Vermin problem


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
Please, oh please wise powers-that be, I've been ever such a good boy!..

...oh what the feck, can someone please look and clean up the caftard .gif thread please? I've been invaded by spastics and where generally I wouldn't mind, but the fact that some wise dude (or dudette as the case may be) decided to make it a sticky because of it's original content, you would hope it would be a no-gimp-zone, but alas they spread.

While I'm on a whore-trip, can the christmas songs for the caftards thread be considered for classic status, if it hadn't been already?

Cheers people!
May I humbly put forward a couple of classics bids please?

My Rafa Benitez facial hair thread:

And the accompanying poll where Rafa Hitler came out champion:

Perhaps a merge would be in order, and a removal of that pissin stupid poll on the initial thread!


Oi, don't steal my thunder you knob! Where's my pm reply?

(good work btw dude, you shouldn't let the spazzers get you down!)
Sorry Redlambs, I woke up one morning and had about 7 new messages!!! Thought I'd replied to them all

A fine gif you produced too :) What's the thing in my hand though?
Sorry Redlambs, I woke up one morning and had about 7 new messages!!! Thought I'd replied to them all

A fine gif you produced too :) What's the thing in my hand though?

Look at it again! It is the hand, with the finger pointing at the screen. Now you know what it is, I bet your mind tricks you into actually seeing it as that, rather than a crude low-res drawing! ;)
I seem to have inverted palm syndrome, my fingers come between that and my wrist?!?!

Although not being an artist, I can't claim to know what the feck you are on about, but if you get someone to point at you, in the way I've drawn it, it would at least look a bit similar.

The arm should be shorter an the hand raised up though, to make it more correct. I'll change it tomorrow, but I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing. Doesn't the hand itself look like a pointing gesture to you?
Although not being an artist, I can't claim to know what the feck you are on about, but if you get someone to point at you, in the way I've drawn it, it would at least look a bit similar.

The arm should be shorter an the hand raised up though, to make it more correct. I'll change it tomorrow, but I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing. Doesn't the hand itself look like a pointing gesture to you?

Imagine a normal arm - it goes wrist, palm, fingers

My gif, it appears to go wrist, fingers, palm

It looks like I'm a cripple
Imagine a normal arm - it goes wrist, palm, fingers

My gif, it appears to go wrist, fingers, palm

If you hold your arm out straight right now, and pointed infront of you, it would go wrist, fingers, palm. It's the height I've drawn the arm that makes it look strange.

It looks like I'm a cripple

Must. Resist. Sarcastic. Response. :D
Oh so this thread clearly has been read, just there has been no decency to reply!!!

Sults, you're usually the one who comes good in the end (and hence the only one who earns my respect), our mine and redlambs requests valid?
You still thinking of doing the poll on the Classic Photos thread Brad?
Well it's my intention to put together a list of the best photos in that thread and request a poll from the mods, yes. Send me a PM with what you consider to be the top say 8 photos in the thread, we'll discuss it then I'll put it to one of them
I've merged the threads.

I cannot answer if it's worthy of the classics forum - personally IMO, it's not.
Well it's my intention to put together a list of the best photos in that thread and request a poll from the mods, yes. Send me a PM with what you consider to be the top say 8 photos in the thread, we'll discuss it then I'll put it to one of them

Ok. I'll look through them.