Vanquish (Xbox 360 & PS3)


Is it Gaizka Mendieta?
Apr 28, 2008
None of your business mate
The greatest team in history
The sleeper hit of the year?

Coming from Platinum Games (MadWorld & Bayonetta) this looks like a crazy mix between Gears of War, Metal Gear Solid & Ninja Gaiden.

From wikipedia -

The story is set in the near future. Russia and the United States are vying for ownership of the world’s fast-depleting energy resources and the US has constructed a space station in order to harness energy from the sun. Russian forces capture this space station and divert its harvested solar energy into a blast wave that destroys San Francisco, aiming to force the US into a total and unconditional surrender. In response, the US tasks its armed forces with recapturing the space station before the Russians can annihilate their next target – New York. The player will take control of Sam (voiced by Gideon Emery in the English version[7]), a government agent kitted out with a futuristic battlesuit.

Game is due out in October with a demo expected next week apparently.

I couldn't keep up with what was going on in the trailer, but what i did manage to get from the other one was that it looks manickly brilliant.

The combat actually looks a little Mass Effect like as well.
Why is it always Russia and America? It's so boring.
I have logged in under my US account, and it is on the yank Store. Downloading now.
I have just had a brief go, first impressions are very positive. I love the graphics, absolutely no screen tearing whatsoever. Nice selection of weapons (the shotgun is quality), the controls are quite intuitive, and the combat mechanics work well.

EDIT the sniper rifle is badass.

EDIT#2 this boss is a complete cnut. And there are quick time events, reminiscent of God of War. Still good, though.
Good work Lance. Sup on the UK PSN now apparently.

I see what you mean about the boss. Just watching the epic battle unfold from the below vid makes it look like a fcuker.

Loving that slow mo side jump.
I had thought that the slide thing was just a gimmick, but it really is vital.

The first part of that boss battle is easy, the second part is the problem. It's not even that it is particularly difficult to avoid death, I just keep running out of fecking ammo.

I should probably try the tutorial.
In fairness Weaste I can think of about 2 multi platform games were there truely was a difference on Xbox and Ps3 (Final Fantasy better on Ps3 and Bayonetta better on xbox). Nodody really ever notices a difference with anything else from what I recall
Can't wait to get back home! Looks unreal.
Just played this. Was alright I suppose, it seems quite fun, but I lose interest in these games quite quickly for some reason..maybe i'm falling out of love with games, I dunno. I think the last game to really keep me coming back for more was Halo 3 and that was out 3 years ago!

Anyway, I think a pretty good way to describe this game is a suped-up Gears of War on stereroids...Its pretty much a carbon copy gameplay wise, but a lot faster. I may rent this or something, I wouldnt reccommend shelling out full price for this, but thats just me. Based on what i've played i'd give it about an 8 out of 10 quality wise, but i'm not really too interested in it. Download the demo if you can, its worth trying.
Just played this. Was alright I suppose, it seems quite fun, but I lose interest in these games quite quickly for some reason..maybe i'm falling out of love with games, I dunno. I think the last game to really keep me coming back for more was Halo 3 and that was out 3 years ago!

Anyway, I think a pretty good way to describe this game is a suped-up Gears of War on stereroids...Its pretty much a carbon copy gameplay wise, but a lot faster. I may rent this or something, I wouldnt reccommend shelling out full price for this, but thats just me. Based on what i've played i'd give it about an 8 out of 10 quality wise, but i'm not really too interested in it. Download the demo if you can, its worth trying.

I don't think thee there is a decent 3rd person all out shooter on the PS3, so this is very welcome. It also has that real great arcade feel to it, you can tell it's Japanese.
Yeah, I know. I couldn't work out whether it regenerated or not, though.

I haven't played it since yesterday. I would say I failed about 7 or 8 times against that boss. Tomorrow I will end him.

What do you reckon based on the demo?
I don't think thee there is a decent 3rd person all out shooter on the PS3, so this is very welcome. It also has that real great arcade feel to it, you can tell it's Japanese.

Thats true, although there are more coming I think. I have no idea what they're like, as I havent seen the latest impressions, but theres one called Bulletstorm and Quantum Theory (I think?). They'll probably be released next year, so you can have a check up on them if thats what you're into.
Yeah, I know. I couldn't work out whether it regenerated or not, though.

I haven't played it since yesterday. I would say I failed about 7 or 8 times against that boss. Tomorrow I will end him.

What do you reckon based on the demo?

It's very manic (as I expected coming from the Bayonetta lot) and I haven't gotten the gameplay mechanics down to any kind of intuity at the moment (barely used the melee for example) but I did enjoy it. Even after getting my arse handed to me 7 times in a row I knew what I needed to do but the reflexes obviously aint what they used to be.

Like you said about the slide, it really is integral to the game. I think after a while the whole slide into cover, dive out, pop a few off, slide back in, mix in a melee here or there would just become intuitive.

One thing I did find odd is the lack of a jump button. I get that you can vault over cover and you can do the slo mo AR thing but can you just jump straight over a barrier with it? At times I felt like I just wanted to jump straight over one of those blockades and throw down.

Weaste is right in that it revels in it's own gameyness (is that word) and you could definitely imagine loading your shrapnel in to this if it were in an arcade.