

Full Member
Aug 2, 2006
Are these guys just geniuses or what?

I mean ok they are relatively new to game developing world but everything they have come up with has been epic

And not just epic but absolutely dominating the field when it comes to online gaming.

Half life, half life 2, Team fortress, counterstrike, Left 4 Dead....i defy anyone to denounce these games as being rubbish
Gaming would definitely be worse off without them. I didn't realize Left 4 Dead was out though!
They only really developed Half Life on their own, the mods were all done by the community before being taken on under their wing.

Even Portal was first done with an independent team, who then later joined Valve to develop it.

Fair play to them though, by letting the modding community develop their games further by not restricting them, they've created some quality addons.
I thought that Left 4 Dead was done by a team that they bought?

They can't be that good though as they refuse to develop on PS3. Obviously it's too hard for them.

Honestly Weaste, this is beneath you. That is the sort of thing you expect to read if you go to the forums and start a "PS3 vs 360 vs PC" thread. If you honestly think that's why they aren't developing on the PS3, then I seriously overestimated your intelligence. I don't think I did; I think you know how silly that is. The only reason they're developing on even the 360 is that it's very similar to the PC, and they want to concentrate on making the best games they can. Personally I wouldn't mind it if they did release stuff on the PS3, that's a bigger audience for my favorite company, but it's their choice.

And yes, it was originally being made by Turtle Rock studios. But it's being made in Source, and it was originally intended for release a long time ago, so I think it's safe to say Valve had something to do with the current L4D.

You're kinda right BezsMaracas, but not completely. The Portal idea was originally made by some college kids (who made Narbacular Drop), but they didn't make it and then got hired, they got hired to work on a team that would make it. I think this is part of the reason why Valve are probably the best PC game developers out there, they're perfectly happy hire kids right out of school if they have good ideas.
Honestly Weaste, this is beneath you. That is the sort of thing you expect to read if you go to the forums and start a "PS3 vs 360 vs PC" thread. If you honestly think that's why they aren't developing on the PS3, then I seriously overestimated your intelligence. I don't think I did; I think you know how silly that is. The only reason they're developing on even the 360 is that it's very similar to the PC, and they want to concentrate on making the best games they can.


As far as I remember Newell has to and frowed in the things he has said. In terms of Left 4 Dead he says that they don't have the resources to do a PS3 version themselves, and then goes on to say that they need to support Source on PS3 much better. At other times he has said things such as:

The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It's really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I'd say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a "do over". Just say, "This was a horrible disaster and we're sorry and we're going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it"


Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There’s nothing there that you’re going to apply to anything else. You’re not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they’ve created.

I don't buy the resource thing at all. In terms of costs in games development nowadays, most of it goes towards the art rather than the programming pipeline. You only have to look at what ID software did in terms of getting up to speed on the PS3 (Carmack seriously dislikes Cell as well, and says so, but at least he has some sense....) and being able to at least produce products of comparable quality to their XB360 and PC versions. They simply went out and poached Jon Olick from the ICE team at Naughty Dog - they brought in some serious expertise in dealing with the Cell processor. You only need to hire 4 or 5 programmers to work with PS3.

The man is PC centric and set in his ways, and it's as simple as that. The bolded part in the quote says it all.

Suck on it Newell!

So fecking what? It's his company, isn't it? Who are you, a nobody, to tell him how to run is very successful company? I don't see you whining about Final Fantasy not being released for any other console than PS3? It is now, of course, but I didn't see you whining about it before. Or how about all the other exclusives? Why aren't you incensed that all those games aren't released on all relevant platforms?

I think we both know why. You're part of the anti-Gabe brigade, and it's quite amusing to watch your lot of brave warriors go crazy every time Valve are mentioned simply because they aren't big fans of the console you so obviously devote unhealthy amounts of time to worship. It's quite funny, actually, how upset you get that Valve aren't releasing their games on your beloved console, yet you repeatedly express doubt about how good their games are.

If I ever had any doubts that you were a fanboy, you've just dispelled them. I gladly admit that I'm a PC and Valve fanboy, yet you frequently go into long rants about how much of a fanboy everyone and anyone who likes the 360 over the PS3 is. Get the feck out of the Valve thread, then, you bald sad-faced feck.

You needn't reply with a pseudo-clever defense, because I just added you on my ignore list. I'm sure you will anyway, though. Fanboys only care about their own enjoyment, after all.


Great rant. Hook, line, and sinker. :D

Nothing what you have said has gone anywhere near to answering what I said in the first place.

develop on PS3. Obviously it's too hard for them.

As for the part I've bolded, do you want another quote where he says that they have to support the PS3? So, as a businessman, he obviously sees the merits of doing so. The reason they don't do games on the PS3 themselves is quite simple - they have no fecking clue how to do it. None of his arguments stand up at all, especially "investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits". If he really thinks that then he has his head up his own arse, because the entire industry is moving towards that type of processing model in some shape or form. Just like Carmack, he cannot get it into his head as to why they cannot have a single core monster processor.

This has nothing to do with fanboyism, but rather an illustration of how certain parts of the computing industry as a whole is baffled with the idea of multi-core processors and parallel computing. Instead of trying to get to grips with it, they simply cry about it instead, whinge and moan. I suppose the difference between Newell and Carmack however is that Carmack is at least a technical guy.

Put me on ignore if you like, I couldn't give a shit. Would show you what a sad feck you are though not being able to accept opinions that you cannot agree with. You, like many others, rant away, yet have no way to back up the things that you say. Thus why I've got you so riled up.
Would show you what a sad feck you are though not being able to accept opinions that you cannot agree with.

And you are? No offense Weaste but this is a thread on Vavle not the bloody PS3...quite frankly its getting old how much you go on about it.

If its not on the PS3 you don't want to you disagree that Valve havn't released quality games so far? I'm sure the huge online gaming community would probably disagree with you.
And you are? No offense Weaste but this is a thread on Vavle not the bloody PS3...quite frankly its getting old how much you go on about it.

If its not on the PS3 you don't want to you disagree that Valve havn't released quality games so far? I'm sure the huge online gaming community would probably disagree with you.

When did I say that they didn't make decent games? All I said was that they didn't develop L4D themselves. And if this thread is about Valve, the fact that they refuse to develop for PS3 themselves is actually something about Valve.

What do you want here, a Gabe Newell cock sucking contest?