Saw the trailer the other day, returns 24th March on Syfy. I quite enjoyed the first season, wasn't fantastic but I think it's a decent enough watch especialy with Laura Vandervoort still in it 
Heres the trailer:
Heres the trailer:
Massive let down (not that the first one was exactly the Wire)...But when they started banging on about the significance of the human soul I decided, alright, I'm out. Shame, they had a very intreging concept with the whole "priest in turmoil at the ramifications of the discovery of Aliens" scenario which could've been dragged out intelligently ...but they went with the "Christian God gave humans a soul, but not the evil aliens" route...Oh well.
Massive let down (not that the first one was exactly the Wire)...But when they started banging on about the significance of the human soul I decided, alright, I'm out. Shame, they had a very intreging concept with the whole "priest in turmoil at the ramifications of the discovery of Aliens" scenario which could've been dragged out intelligently ...but they went with the "Christian God gave humans a soul, but not the evil aliens" route...Oh well.
they've got to throw in a couple of religious nitbits for the yank audience!
and im surprised how all the govt's have welcomed them ? i mean govt's are suspicious of everyone!
they've got to throw in a couple of religious nitbits for the yank audience!
I'm really enjoying season 1 so far, only have 3 episodes left.
It's far fetched and a bit silly but after a long day at work it's a nice way to unwind.
Laura Van Der Voort or whatever her name is
(She deserves a thread actually - to the generals!)
Tyler makes me want to throw stuff at him. He couldn't be any more sickly sweet and wet if he tried. I like the show and all, but it's a bit too staged and the acting wooden at times. I wish there was more action, too.