Using headsets in MW2?


Its Baltic!
Oct 20, 2006
I hope they sort it out in the next game because online gaming annoys the feck out of me, every single game I start I need to spend the first half a minute going through every player and muting their mics. What is so bloody fascinating in constantly talking crap or playing Eminem or whatever other shit music and putting the headset next to the speaker so to piss everyone else off?!
I hope they sort it out in the next game because online gaming annoys the feck out of me, every single game I start I need to spend the first half a minute going through every player and muting their mics. What is so bloody fascinating in constantly talking crap or playing Eminem or whatever other shit music and putting the headset next to the speaker so to piss everyone else off?!

Why don't you just not wear a headset if you don't use it to speak with people anyway?
Why don't you just not wear a headset if you don't use it to speak with people anyway?

Oh Im not even wearing it, it's just that you can hear every other player talking unless you switch their mics off. Another thing is each time they say something their user name appears on the left side of the screen, constantly popping up. Completely unneccessary feature, imo.
Oh Im not even wearing it, it's just that you can hear every other player talking unless you switch their mics off. Another thing is each time they say something their user name appears on the left side of the screen, constantly popping up. Completely unneccessary feature, imo.

Turn the sound settings for them off and you won't hear them.

There's a setting on t'dashboard that mutes everyone except those on your friends list.

It'll be in the privacy bit I would think. Can't remember exacly.
How many of you are 'cheating'?

Basically playing with a friend, hiding at one spot throughout the game and killing him constantly? (and vice versa)
Basically playing with a friend, hiding at one spot throughout the game and killing him constantly? (and vice versa)

That's annoying. I make a point of hunting them down and killing them to stop them getting a kill streak. You find it is only usually done by people who aren't very good at the game anyway.
That's annoying. I make a point of hunting them down and killing them to stop them getting a kill streak. You find it is only usually done by people who aren't very good at the game anyway.

I agree. They are mostly in the free-for-all games, it's ridiculous.