User list, no access?

1. Because you've obviously had your access revoked for some reason, probably for being a spastic.

2. You can't. Your access has been revoked.
I can't see it either, ever since the forum upgrade that introduced the blog and wiki and stuff.
I suspect it's mod-only now, though I'm not sure quite what the advantage is there.
Permission was taken away a couple of years ago, for security reasons I think.
1. Why does it say that I don't have permission to view which posters are online.

Top*, 1871_Biscuit, 204Red, 711, Addis, adexkola, afrocentricity, Alex, Ambivalent, ans-1, AnuMu, AttackingFlair, B36arin, BahamaRed, barros, Ben77mc, Big Ben Foster, Big Cheez, BLACKBEARDsmore, BlahRules, Bobbie, Boonard, BorisDeLeFora, Brad, Brophs, Brwned, burokit, Can20RedDevil, CantonasWife, Capo, carpy, championo, Chas, Cheltenham Red, Christofaux, cj4195, Clint, Coconut :), cold-zebra, Count Duckula, crazy devil, Decotron*, Devil1, Dino, DocRockter, Doevle, dogtown, Doogie, Dre, ecantona7, EdWeatherall, Elliott, elnorte, Escobar, EvilChuck, evil_geko, F-Red, fearghal, FlawlessThaw*, fletch24, Flying Fox, GAngel, GDH, Girish II, GlasgowCeltic*, glassjaw*, green demon, haythem, Hetja, HsJ, irish boy, Ivor Ballokov, Jammer*, jb8521, jojojo, JosaRicardo, kankanwinger, kouroux, kps88, Laphroaig, Leg-End, lesclaypool, Loupaq, Luso17, Lynk, Makki, Man Utd Mrs+, manco, MANUTDFAN24, Maroon Lucifer, mattwing79, mehro, Mihajlovic*, MikeUpNorth, mjs020294, Mockney, Moorhuhn, moses, MrMarcello, MST3K, muller, Munchie, Munterpipe, nemanja nemagic, ninety, No., noodlehair, nss12, nyrfan818, Ole'sbodyguard, Peasplease, pillory, Pimpmofo, pitapita, PrisonerOfBirth, Puke, Raoul*, RedDevilCanuck, REDEEMER, redevil2, rednev, redpie, Red_Jamie, Red_NZ, ReservoirDog, Ronaldo No.9, roodboy*, Rooney24, rufus diabolus, Ryan..., Ryan426, Saliph, sammsky1, Sca11ywag, Scholesgoals, SCM, senorgregster, Seveneric, Shandy, Simon Adebesi, Solius, Spoony Youngblood, steamy_win, Stephen87, Stickem, swooosh, Sylar, Team Brian GB, The Flying Potato, TheReligion, Tibs, Tommy123, Tumbling-Dice, Twisted Blood, United87, unitedgogi, vip37, Viper KGB, VoetbalWizard, Voice of Reason, Weird Fishes, WelshManc, Woodzy, Wowi, x42bn6, XmanN, YoungGun_UK, zephyr

Let me know when you need an update.
Count Duckula+, 1871_Biscuit, 204Red, 711, Addis, adexkola, afrocentricity, Alex, alibaba, ans-1, AnuMu, Atlistuta, AttackingFlair, B36arin, BACI, BahamaRed, Ben77mc, Big Ben Foster, Big Cheez, BlahRules, Bobbie, Boonard, BorisDeLeFora, Boss, Brad+, Brophs, Brwned+, burokit, Can20RedDevil, CantonasWife, Capo, carpy, championo, Chas, Cheltenham Red, Christofaux, cj4195, Clint, Coconut :), cold-zebra, crazy devil, cutch462, dbanmanu, Devil1, dhstriker, Dino, DocRockter, Doevle, dogtown, Domzi, Doogie, Dre, ecantona7, EdWeatherall, Elliott, elnorte, Escobar, EvilChuck, evil_geko, F-Red, Fazer, fearghal, fletch24, Flying Fox, GDH, Girish II, Gobo, green demon, haythem, Hetja, HsJ, irish boy, Iron Stove, Ivor Ballokov, J-Stand, jb8521, John1999, johnmufc, jojojo, JosaRicardo, kankanwinger, kouroux, kps88, Laphroaig, Leg-End, lesclaypool, Loupaq, Luso17, Lynk, Makki, Man Utd Mrs, manco, MANUTDFAN24, Marketh, Maroon Lucifer, mattwing79, mehro, MikeUpNorth, mjs020294, Mockney, Moorhuhn, moses, MrMarcello, MST3K, Muffled Funkk, muller, Munchie, mydh, nemanja nemagic, ninety, noodlehair, nss12, nyrfan818, Ole'sbodyguard, Peasplease, pillory, Pimpmofo, pitapita, pitpit, Puke, RedDevilCanuck, REDEEMER, redevil2, rednev, redpie, Red_Jamie, Red_NZ, ReservoirDog, Ronaldo No.9, Rooney24, Rossi99, Ryan..., Ryan426, sammsky1, Sca11ywag, Scholesgoals, SCM, senorgregster, Shandy, Simon Adebesi, Solius+, Spoony Youngblood, steamy_win, Stephen87, Stickem, swooosh, Sylar, Team Brian GB, The Flying Potato, TheReligion, Tibs, Tommy123, Tumbling-Dice, Twisted Blood, United87, unitedgogi, vip37, Viper KGB, VoetbalWizard, Voice of Reason, Weird Fishes, WelshManc, Woodzy, Wowi, x42bn6, XmanN, YoungGun_UK, zephyr