US Airstrikes in Syria

I'm hearing that it was a shia militia that was targeted, the same militia that receives air support from the US in Iraq. Any truth in that?

With Trump, I wouldn't doubt it. Probably a salute to the Saudis before his trip there tomorrow.
Plenty of people predicted this course of distraction action thanks to all the Russia drama. The predictability of it only makes it more tragic. Imagine being so fecked up that you call on bombing people as a way of taking the heat off yourself.
Some of the forces may have been Iranian militias, which would certainly flair things up. We are claiming self-defense.
They were Iraqi Shia militia who crossed over to fight US and Saudi backed Islamists.

This is Trump giving the Saudis a sweetener.

So much for Twitler not getting involved in Syria, bet his supporters love that :lol:
They were Iraqi Shia militia who crossed over to fight US and Saudi backed Islamists.

This is Trump giving the Saudis a sweetener.

So much for Twitler not getting involved in Syria, bet his supporters love that :lol:
Like his supporters remember or care