In which order should I watch them, whenever I get the chance.
I'd watch them in this order
Pans Labyrinth - Brilliant film. My film of the year. In fact it is a long time since I have seen anything quite as good
Quiz Show (think I've seen it, but can't remember) - Excellent. Watch it. Or watch it again.
History of Violence - Very good and well worth a watch.
Blood Diamond - Surprisingly watchable action thriller set in Southern Africa. Di Caprio wasn't highly annoying which was a nice change.
World Trade Centre (prob never gonna watch it) - Good intentions got in the way of a good film. Cinematography was nice and it is hard to pick exactly why the film didn't work very well but it didn't. Shame.
Pirates OTC 3 (prob never gonna watch it) - quite watchable on DVD particularly if you enjoyed the first two. Longer and more confused that the previous episodes but still quiet fun if over long.
Babel - Long and rather pointless but not quite as bad as you may have heard. I made the end without much effort.
Old Boy - More boring one joke yank comedy. Not as bad as talladega Nights but then what is?