UK 360 and PS3 sales rocket during bumper Easter


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
PS3 leading year-to-date sales battle with 360; Sony and Microsoft consoles see over 70 per cent sales boost

The race between Xbox 360 and PS3 shifted up a notch this past week as both consoles saw huge leaps in hardware sales, thanks to the Easter break.

Though PS3 is still outselling 360 regularly week-on-week and in terms of year-to-date sales, the Sony and Microsoft platforms both saw a 73 and 78 per cent rise in hardware sales respectively this week.

Nintendo’s mega-selling Wii and DS also saw significant rises, despite stock concerns.

ChartTrack data obtained by MCV suggests that the Easter break also saw a significant boost for software sales as parents and school kids rushed to the High Street to snap up the latest releases.

“Week 12 fell during Easter so we saw software and hardware up across the board,” ChartTrack director Dorian Bloch told MCV.

“PS3 and Xbox 360 are pretty much neck and neck at the moment, with PS3 slightly ahead. Software was up, and the formats that Rainbow Six Vegas 2 appeared on did especially well.”

Retailer activity, particularly from Dixons and Argos, have boosted already strong PS3 sales – and there’s more to come, said Bloch.

“The release of GT5 Prologue and its bundle will see a further rise on PS3 after its release. PS3 has been outselling Xbox 360 for some time, but last week they were pretty close. In terms of sales so far this year, PS3 is ahead.”

But it’s not over yet – a split Easter period means that the sales bonanza will continue into next week, added Bloch. “Some schools are on holiday so next week will be similar, as there are a lot of product slated for March 28th. We’ve seen bumper sales this week and we can expect the same for next week.”


360 - Up 78 per cent
PS3 - Up 73 per cent
Wii - Up 37 per cent
DS - Up 32 per cent
PSP - Up 10 per cent

This is very interesting if true, as it will include the quite largish Microsoft price drops on the XB360 that took effect on 14th March. With GT5:P just out, MGS4 just along the road, and a very strong lineup in general from Sony, are Microsoft really hoping that they can stop this from now on with the promise of future GTAIV downloadable content alone? Because until Gears of War 2 comes out towards the end of the year, I can't see much what options they have now. Another price drop?
lol. true true. well i presume.

To be honest it was'nt the best thing ive bought for £300. Xbox>XB360
MGS Snake Eater has sold 7 million copies world wide.
GTA San Andreas sold 12 million in its first six months and is now up to over 21 million units.

The GTA series is massive, and its going to take quite a bit more then the new Metal Gear title to knock Microsoft "off its fecking perch"
GTA is not exclusive to Microsoft, and many, rightly or wrongly, associate GTA with Playstation. For Microsoft to really benefit from this and get people to buy XB360s because of GTAIV IMO is a tough ask. Sorry, but the Premium/Pro and Elite XB360s are still poor value in comparison to the 40GB PS3, and nobody seemingly wants the Arcade Pack. Moot point anyway, as Microsoft hasn't been sat on the top perch in Europe (we are talking about the two HD consoles here)) for quite some time, with the UK market being where it has performed the best. In certain mainland European countries, PS3 has been outselling XB360 by a ratio of up to 3:1 on the hardware level.
Xbox 360 poised to overtake Wii

Analyst reckons Microsoft's machine will outsell Nintendo's for the year ending March 2011 in the US Back in September 2010 Microsoft made the bold claim that "there's been a mid-generation leadership change" in the hardware market. Now it looks like it might just have been right. Speaking in an investor note, Cowen and Company analyst Doug Creutz has predicted that if current sales trends persist, Xbox 360 is poised to outsell the Nintendo Wii for the 12 months ending March 31st 2011. Microsoft announced last night that it sold 535,000 consoles in the US last month – a record-breaking number for a non-holiday month. It would be the first time the Wii have been trumped over an annual basis in the US since the machine launched. “This illustrates the significant shift that has gone on over the last year in the console space,” Creutz explained. “The Wii was outselling the 360 and PS3 combined on a trailing 12 months basis as recently as January 2010, and was outselling the 360 alone by two-to-one in December 2009 and 1.5:1 in October 2010. “Over the last three years, total US Xbox 360/PS3/Wii hardware unit sales have remained relatively consistent in the 17-19m unit range (18.2m as of February), so this does represent a share shift as opposed to just a decline for the Wii. “We believe the significant shift in hardware sales towards HD consoles is a positive ongoing development for the US publishers, who earn the majority of their sales on the Xbox 360/PS3.”

Xbox 360 poised to overtake Wii | Games Industry | MCV
The fact of the matter is there is fewer and fewer people to sell a wii to so it isn't really a surprise that sales are slowing down as it closes in on the market limits.
What do people in Iceland own instead? A sledge?

A PS3. And for your information England has had way more snow than we have.

PS3 gaming online is free. Xbox is not. Xbox doesn't have anything open for Icelanders and have never marketed themselves here. Therefor way way more people own PS3
A PS3. And for your information England has had way more snow than we have.

PS3 gaming online is free. Xbox is not. Xbox doesn't have anything open for Icelanders and have never marketed themselves here. Therefor way way more people own PS3

Well maybe you should have thought about that before naming your country Iceland.

So the reason no one own's an Xbox in Iceland is because online isn't free? The same as it isn't in the rest of the world? I struggle to believe they marketed themselves any less than Sony did.
A PS3. And for your information England has had way more snow than we have.

PS3 gaming online is free. Xbox is not. Xbox doesn't have anything open for Icelanders and have never marketed themselves here. Therefor way way more people own PS3

Live is only 50 quid a year and owning both consoles I can say that it is about 50 times better than PSN.

So I dont begruge it at all
The fact of the matter is there is fewer and fewer people to sell a wii to so it isn't really a surprise that sales are slowing down as it closes in on the market limits.

Nintendo should make the Wii break as regularly as 360's do, that way they'd sell way more to people like Biscuit.
They were. I just know how to fix them. For my personal use I have 2 Flashed consoles, 2 standard and 2 J-Tag's. The rest are just ones I need to get round to selling.

EDIT: did you post that before my edit? the new ones i've just left standard. And in fairness the J-tags paid for themselves and about 10 other consoles.
I did post that before your edit you sneaky scamp, I've no idea what J-tags are but I've decided they are naughty.