Twitter addon issues


Self-Aware RedCafe Database (and Admin)
Mar 4, 2010
Also won Best Gif/Photoshop 2021
Currently each tweet posted is showing up 3/4 times and the background of the Twitter feed on the home page is white. Guessing something changed in the api?
Currently each tweet posted is showing up 3/4 times and the background of the Twitter feed on the home page is white. Guessing something changed in the api?

I'm getting the multiple tweets problem. Sometimes even more than 3/4.

Safari on macbook
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iPhone, and the tweets show up the same number of times that Liverpool have won the European Cup la.
iPhone here. Happening across Facebook, Safari and other browsers. Guess it is an issue with Twitter itself?
Any links to other sites with this issue?
I use Firefox. Seems to be an issue with the addon or on twitter's end specifically

Sorry to pull it off topic but how is Firefox these days? I found it getting very resource heavy and over saturated with unnecessary extras so shifted to Chrome a couple of years ago and haven't looked back. I was very fond of Firefox before that though.
Sorry to pull it off topic but how is Firefox these days? I found it getting very resource heavy and over saturated with unnecessary extras so shifted to Chrome a couple of years ago and haven't looked back. I was very fond of Firefox before that though.

Still resource heavy, at least it is for me anyway. Taking up nearly 1.4GB RAM at the moment but isn't as much of an issue for me as it once was as I upgraded my laptop a while back.

On my old laptop, Chrome didn't seem to like me (took ages to load so stuck with Firefox) but seems to work fine on this one. Problem is I'm too attached to Firefox to make the switch.
No tweets appeared on the transfer tweets read only page for me. Did anybody else have that issue?
Yeah was just lookig for the twitter thread to post this in. I get loads of repeated tweets on my phone. Will check PC soon.
Also getting this issue the the transfer thread. Windows/Chrome. Must be on the twitter end as stated. Seeing the same issue on the guardian website.
Just checked and I have no problem on PC Win 8.1 Chrome but on iPhone it still persists.
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Opening up the thread for our player's Twitter feeds completely borked the tab in Chrome. In other, less tweet heavy threads each tweet loads five times.
I think we have to wait for Twitter to sort this one out.
this is basically the apocalypse.
I have it on other websites too though, even from newspapers etc. General twitter issue?
Could it be an issue with twitter and the software this board is run on? I'm having no problem embedding tweets on websites that aren't forums.
Yeah im getting them 4 times.

How am I supposed to function without my daily dose of transfer nonsense?
I had the same problem yesterday but it's working for me now. I'm on Chrome if that helps.
The Pedro tweet above was showing 4 times for me earlier, but its only showing once now.
It's probably because I had a go at them on Twitter. Thank me later lads.