No the concepts are not original! Travis Bickle has been around in various forms before Taxi Driver. Scorcese's interpretation of the politicised, troubled ego maniac, tragic protagonist is genius. Im just saying the concept and themes arent totally original ideas. They have influences and forerunners in film. And Raging Bull? Come's Rocky Marciano and there had been 'fallen hero' films before that. One of my favourites though.
I think we are agreeing that we like the same movies here, just have different ideas on originality. It doesn't have to be original per se to be valid. I fecking love Disney's Robin Hood (no joke) and believe it to be one of the better Disney movies, but it never got or gets the recognition it deserves.
I suppose you could argue that Harryhausen was not original because he took classical tales and put them into ciniema. However, for me he is totally original in the medium of film because no one did what he did before. Clash of the Titans and Jason and the Argonauts are 2 of my favourite films. They are hardly original concepts but totally original in cinema. Still believe the raising of the skeletons at the end of Jason is one of the best scenes ever filmed.