True Blood Season 5 (US: Sunday) | NO Book talk

Started off interesting, but went to crap after a couple of seasons.

Overrated pile of steaming shit.
This has become so terribly shit. The writing on the show has gone from 'bad but entertaining' to just plain bad. They just keep changing character motivations multiple times within the same episode. I don't think even Russell Edgington can save this where it's headed.
It has been watchable until this season but it boring as bat shit this season. And why has Sookie stopped taking her clothes off? We demand to be told ;)
And that smoke monster crap is distracting and stupid. As are most of this season's storylines.
As ever I always find the vampire politics interesting, everything else is a bit boring in all honesty.
I hated season 4 but season 5 has been ok even though I cringe when Lafayette/Tara/Arlene/Jessica/Hoyt is on the screen. I like Terry but he shouldn't have so much screen time. Those I mentioned don't even have a part in the books except a odd mention, I don't understand why they had to sway so much from the books this season and overall, the writers just keep making shit up and go with it.
And that smoke monster crap is distracting and stupid. As are most of this season's storylines.

It's terrible, it's all just so bloody stupid now. Every episode ends in a cliffhanger and it's all so terribly predictable. I can't for the lift of me understand why Tara is still alive, she's easily the most annoying character and that smoke monster is dumb too, it's like they've watched Lost and thought "Hey that's a good idea!". Terry is terrible as well, same for Hoyt. The only character worthwhile is Eric now. Sookie is a stupid annoying bitch too.
It's generally been poor, far too many pointless storylines, less is more HBO. The Eric/Bill/Russell stuff is the only thing that interests me really.

That scene at the end was ridiculous, even by HBO standards :lol:

"So HBO, we're going to have a load of vampires kill a load of people at a wedding"
"Hmm, sounds good, can you make the wedding crowd all cute and innocent looking?"
"Uh yeah, I supp..."
"Oh and throw a child being killed into the mix too. That worked well in Game of Thrones"
"Isn't that a bit..."
"And have a really attractive woman with her gash on full display too, just to keep everyone happy, cause the storylines this season have been a bit crap"
"Sigh ... ok"
"Has Anna got her baps out this season yet by the way?"
"No but surely we've seen them enough at this stage."
"... I don't understand your logic"
I'm actually enjoyong this season far more than the last one.

I loved Jasons way of dealing with Jessica.
yeah I thinks it been quite good. Ive only caught up with the season over the last couple of days.

Lots of silly moments, but there always has been.
yeah I thinks it been quite good. Ive only caught up with the season over the last couple of days.

Lots of silly moments, but there always has been.

This show has always been silly but entertaining but for me this season has had some really bad lows. Every story line besides the Eric/Bill/Russell one has been terrible. Many of the characters have been reduced to caricatures of themselves, very non-HBO in my opinion.
As ever I always find the vampire politics interesting, everything else is a bit boring in all honesty.

I was thinking the same.

I do wonder how much they can keep the show going at this point.

I wonder how many other people who have HBO are now looking forward to the Newsroom on Sundays, rather than True Blood?
Yeah it really has. It's like they're no coherant plot anymore so they're just going for pure shock factor, gore and tits (more so than ever before). Like even in this episode, the scene with Russell and the reverend in the frat house or whatever it is.

There's just too many stupid fecking stories. Terry and the Ifrit, anything to do with Hoyte, the wolf pack, Sam and hot naked woman, La'fayette being a witch, Andy and ugly waitress. I don't even particularly care about the Sookie story either.

The only real thing I give a shit about is the Authority/Lilith plot, but that's mainly because of Eric and Russell, as opposed to Bill who has become a worse character than ever because of this stupid 'turning him into a bad guy who is a total fecking idiot'.

It's a bit like HIMYM, I only still watch it because I've already invested so much time in it.