True Blood Season 4 (US: Sunday) | NO Book talk


Hairy big footed Swede
Oct 19, 2001
Well season 4 starts in a few hours. A decent replacement for Game of Thrones;)
Great to have it back and a decent enough start to the season.
How confused will I be if I havent seen the first 3 seasons? Erm except for some scenes here and there. You know, the good ones.
Is there any chance we can keep this thread in sync with the American air dates? I'd like to discuss in here without fear of reading ahead :(
Pretty terrible first episode, most saying second is better, but I'm not getting it due to the lower quality...and then that'd I have to deal with that quality every week.
to be fair, it usually does get better as the season progresses

and maybe im being a bit picky after reading the books

but i have to say, its just another reminder how fecking great Game of Thrones really is, because i used to love True Blood, now i think its quite poor in comparison
Bit harsh GB. True Blood was fantastic for S1 and S2. it wasn't til S3 that it went downhill.

GoT can't be judged as a superior show after 10 episodes.
Didn't think Season 3 was that bad cina but Season 2 was just amazing and I think if anything set the bar so high it was always going to be difficult to follow.

a bit underwhelmed by the opening 2 episodes if im honest

I think going by the first 3 seasons it starts off slow, then suddenly picks up and becomes amazing and slows down and leads into the next season right at the end so wouldn't expect too much just yet.
How have some watched episode 2 of this? It aint on until tomorrow in the States??
There's a leaked online version. I can PM you a download link if you like.
What does everyone think so far about this series? Think it has been pretty decent myself
I'm enjoying it all except for the sookie story. Sick and tired of the breathless panitng chest heaving yadda yadda yadda Suckie shit thats doesn't go anywhere.
I'm enjoying it all except for the sookie story. Sick and tired of the breathless panitng chest heaving yadda yadda yadda Suckie shit thats doesn't go anywhere.

you'd better get used to it. The television series is based on a series of books called "The Sookie Stackhouse novels". So, if you dont like Sookie, you may as well give up watching!
you'd better get used to it. The television series is based on a series of books called "The Sookie Stackhouse novels". So, if you dont like Sookie, you may as well give up watching!

I know it is, but by the gods it's getting repetitive. I'm loving everything else, just not the Sookie love interest.

I also reckon there should be a cops style spin off featuring Jason and Andy. Bad boys! Bad boys! Whatcha gonna do....
Being a fan of the books, I think they've spoilt the Sookie/Eric story this year in the tv show, I'm not to happy about all these dream sequences either. However, on the whole it's still fun and entertaining, and who'd have thought Aunt Pertunia would end up being a witch!! What would Harry have to say about that??
I also reckon there should be a cops style spin off featuring Jason and Andy. Bad boys! Bad boys! Whatcha gonna do....

:lol: That'd be great.

I agree with the general consensus, most of this seasons storylines have been enjoyable apart from Sookies. Innocent Eric was funny at first but I want the old Eric back now, he is after all the shows best character.

Oh and jessica :drool:
Last episode was pretty good I thought, the Jesus part in particular was pretty cool. Usually the vampires who sort things out but good to see someone else take the lead role.
Now that's a season finale!

Remind me never to call vampires puppy dogs.
How can Terry be bad?

Also the King returns.
Was pretty good that finale however a few points

A shame they killed of Jesus, thought he had really blossomed into an interesting character and that demon thing inside him (which is inside Lafayette now was quite interesting so a real shame to see him go. Hopefully will still have a part to play as Lafayette should be able to still contact him

One thing I liked and I've already mentioned is how the witch thing with Marnie/Antonia had to be sorted out by a witch as usually the vampires come in to save the day and good to see them totally overpower and prove that vampires aren't the most powerful.

Good to see Tara killed off and hopefully some vampires don't come to bring her back! Was one character I didn't really like

And Russell Edgington is back! Should be good to see him terrorising Eric and Bill for the next season, I hope they bring in some more super old and powerful vampires always found them more interesting
That was the most enjoyable episode of the season for me, with lots of stuff going on to keep you occupied.

However, the whole Fairy story hasn't been ended really, and I'm still a bit confused by the actions of a certain fairy the previous week.

Jason's werepanther stuff wasn't explained properly really, unless they were trying exceptionally hard to make the folks from Hotshot really dumb.

However, it was nice to see some older characters return, especially the Rev. Newlin, that was a surprise, and a very funny one at that.

Now for the debate, who released the vampire from his concrete tomb??

As for the deaths, Jesus whilst he'd developed of late his time was up and it was right for him to go, to further Lafayette.

Debbie had to go, I know they've kept characters from the book that had died, and killed off others quicker and created there own characters, but her death had to be....

Now then as for the other person, no one knows only the writers what fate beholds her. Will she live or die? Will she become a ghost or will someone turn her? who knows, it's going to be one of the questions we'll be asking till that first episode of season 5 in 9 months time.
Spoiler about cast for next season:
She has already been confiormed as returning in the next series. Maybe she will have to become a vampire to survive?
Spoiler about cast for next season:
She has already been confiormed as returning in the next series. Maybe she will have to become a vampire to survive?

Ugh, that sucks balls.

She's always been the most pointless and shit character on the show, and surely by now the writers have seen all the complaints online. Maybe they just made the scene to make people slightly happy.

Jessica was :drool: Still no nips but close enough.

Hopefully the 5th season will loose the witchery, that bored me a bit.
:lol: I finally caught up with this. I'm so glad Tara got shot in the head.