

Magic Meat
Mar 14, 2006
Viva La Soviet Union
I just watched this again, its better than Gladiator and Braveheart. Its okay if you dont agree with me because you are all a bunch of fags.
I just watched this again, its better than Gladiator and Braveheart. Its okay if you dont agree with me because you are all a bunch of fags.

your saying liking


is not gay...

this does not compute...
Troy isn't a bad film.....but Gladiator is an Epic.
Robin Hood looks like it will be another good one with Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe.
The only good thing about Gladiator was Joaquin Phoenix, that thug Crowe wasn't even casted i hear, he just showed up and started fighting people.
It's a line from the movie. Delivered when a character gives a similar reaction to yours.

Ah ok hehe don't remember lines from Troy. I prefer "father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next":D Troy is alright but like someone said, Gladiator is epic.
Ah ok hehe don't remember lines from Troy. I prefer "father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next":D Troy is alright but like someone said, Gladiator is epic.

What the feck is that scene where he sucks his dead wife's foot. Sick bastard.
I thought Troy was a cracking film, definitely better than the borathon that was Gladiator. (rome is an ideal, but it is not my ideal, it your ideal, rome is the people yadda yadda for hours.) Achilles and Hectors fight is incredible and far better than anything Gladiator had to offer. Braveheart still kicks both their arses though.

Do you know what's waiting beyond that beach? Immortality! Take it! It's yours!
I thought it was pretty good, that said I rate Gladiator above it
Gladiator is overhyoed dull shit, the trailer is more exciting and shows every great scene in the film. Troy is far superior, it does what it's meant to, be a blood and sandals film of violence, not some shit shakespeare rip off, that said though, Bravehearts still better.