Transformers - War For Cybertron


May 17, 2004
This PC
Has anyone played this yet?

I've just completed the first 2 chapters of the Decepticon story, and it's been really great popcorn fun.

Now, I'm no Transformers fan, I didn't even know what energon or cybertron meant before playing this game, but this looks like it's going to be my gaming choice for sleeper hit of the year.

Anyone else played this yet?

Multiplayer's surprisngly good too.. there's co-op and competitive... You guys need to give this game a go..
I have it installed but currently too busy with Runes of Magic.
I actually quite enjoy playing games like this. Although I haven't got it. I am now thinking about it based on the quality of that video alone.

is multiplayer actually quite good then? how many people can you have in the same game?
Just tried it and ProNewb is right it's actually a quite fun popcorn game, the chapters are freakin huge...
I bought this when it came out. To be honest I found the first two levels abysmal, it took me ages to work up the will to play for more than 5 minutes at a time and get past them. However, the next three missions for the decepticons (taking back Iacon, Omega Supreme chase and battle) were very very good.

I'm also quite enjoying all the nods to the original cartoon and toyline (all of the Xbox Achievements are named after a character or episode)

Also I'm appointing myself the board Transformers nut seeing as I've got a collection of several hundred of them.