total war series question


Full Member
Aug 14, 2004
I'm thinking about buying a bunch of games from this series very cheaply, but I have a question about them.

I mainly play lan games with my brother and other friends but I was told you can't play the campaigns of world conquer with other players, like in Civ5 or Hearts of Iron...

Is this true?
From a memory clouded by time, up to and including Medieval 2, you could only play scenario battles in MP, iirc.

Not sure if things changed from Empire onwards though.

*Edit* - Where are you getting a cheap deal from btw?
It's not online, friend of a friend.

If it's only scenario battles I'll pass it. Me and my brother really enjoy those epic games where we fight for world domination.
If you want a medieval game where you fight for domination then get Crusader Kings 2. You can do that multiplayer and it's got the same "risk-style" map that the Total War games do, although it doesn't have the awesome battles.
It's not online, friend of a friend.

If it's only scenario battles I'll pass it. Me and my brother really enjoy those epic games where we fight for world domination.

If it's a good deal, I'd get them anyway. The SP campaigns in the series are immense and well worthy of parting with a few notes, tbh. There's many hours of fun to be had.
If it's a good deal, I'd get them anyway. The SP campaigns in the series are immense and well worthy of parting with a few notes, tbh.

I can't get excited with single player games anymore.

If you want a medieval game where you fight for domination then get Crusader Kings 2. You can do that multiplayer and it's got the same "risk-style" map that the Total War games do, although it doesn't have the awesome battles.

I'll have a look online, but if it's new it's probably still expensive.
In Shogun 2 it is possible to play multiplayer campaign.

Oh, and CK2 is nothing like the risk style maps of the Total War games. The only comparison is that they are both on maps :p
Paradox titles produced on the EU clausewitz engine is notoriously unstable in multiplayer. MP has not been a priority for Paradox so there are generally massive sync errors in those games that scale in severity based on the speed you run.

Now, running the games via LAN will help the issue, but it will not entirely fix it. You may get lucky and have no problems, or you may be unlucky and find that due to your specific hardware configs the games are basically unplayable in multi, or you might be middle of the road somewhere and have the odd problem.

As for the Total War games, the last two have the kind of campaign you are looking for. Napoleon Total War and Shogun 2 Total War have multiplayer campaigns. However, the last I heard, they also have SOME issues with save games going out of sync or becoming corrupted.

Do some research would be my advice for TW. For Paradox, those games are all worth a buy strictly for single player and if you can get some MP mileage out of them (they are fecking brilliant in MP when they work) even better.
I think you're overplaying it a bit. I've only played EU3 and CK2 in multiplayer with one other person, and while it did occasionally go out of sync, it happened rarely, and only if we were running it too fast.

Now EU2, that was a hoot to play in a full sized multiplayer..