Please someone give us a hand, i've got both Vuze and Utorrent trying to download torrents for me but at the moment its only downloading at about 0.1kb/s, i'm not very good on computers so any advice would need to be very basic sorry.
That usualy happens when the feds are tracking your progress
Really or are you just winding me up, as my girlfriend has got her computer here and its working fine on that.
Do you have a particularly anal firewall that's blocking these things? Have you changed any security settings recently that might cause this not to work? Do you have a router?
If you have a router and your girlfriend is using it yet her torrents are fine then it's a problem with the setup on your machine.
Sounds like your port that your Torrent client is using is blocked
Sounds like your port that your Torrent client is using is blocked
Try going into your firewall and finding out if it's forwarding to your machine correctly. Having said that, do you use µTorrent? If so, try going into connection settings in preferences and selectung UPnP and the other type of port mapping. That might sort your troubles.
How do i do this? Sorry but i am rubbish on computers.
Well, try doing the µTorrent fix I suggested first, just open the program and go into preferences.
Found the problem it was Norton then this morning it wouldn't even let me connect to the internet so i deleted it.
Only problem now is when i try and install avg it says i should delete norton first but i thought that i already did that?