Top 5 Comic Book movies

Ichi the Killer(Manga, I think)
Superman: The Movie(original)
Spiderman 2
Sin City
Fantastic Four
Fantastic Four 2
Ghost Rider


At first I was thinking WTF Daredevil, you nonce. Then I saw the rest of your 'suggestions' and figured you were taking the piss.

If you weren't, you're gay.
Haven't seen any Fantastic Fours. They any good?


Having said this I didn't actually bother to watch the second one. Hopefully that speaks volumes about it's shite-ness.
Blade and Sin City have to feature.

Practically all the others have been let-downs.

Having said this I didn't actually bother to watch the second one. Hopefully that speaks volumes about it's shite-ness.

the second one is slightly better than the first one.. but then that only elevates it slightly beyond pathetic status to dreadful
the second one is slightly better than the first one.. but then that only elevates it slightly beyond pathetic status to dreadful

Hrm sounds like a dvd + very very VERY bored effort to me.

Until then though, I refuse to punish myself like that.
Batman Begins
Sin City

Not a big fan of any of the others.
Hehe, have you seen Ghost Rider? Worst. Film. Ever.

Is that the one with Nick Cage, and he's the skeleton with the flaming head?

Either way, no. And I'm sure as hell not going too.
History of Violence
Shogun Assassin (I know this is actually 3 movies in one, but I forget the names of the originals)
Spiderman 2
X-Men 2
The 300

- also Blade 1 & 2 (not 3!), Dick Tracy (gay story but shot really nicely), Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (go the Hoff!), and Akira.