Tombraider reborn

Did anyone else find the early Tomb Raiders impossibly hard or am I just a bit spastic? Because I was really shit at finding those hidden switches placed in some alcove 50 feet in the air, and if after 6 hours of exploring I ever did manage to find it, I'd usually have no idea what the switch did. As a 12 year old kid I don't think I completed a single level without the help of my PS Magazine guides.
i cant keep up with the surge of interest in this thread - slow it down so i can reply to each post with my full attention
Did anyone else find the early Tomb Raiders impossibly hard or am I just a bit spastic? Because I was really shit at finding those hidden switches placed in some alcove 50 feet in the air, and if after 6 hours of exploring I ever did manage to find it, I'd usually have no idea what the switch did. As a 12 year old kid I don't think I completed a single level without the help of my PS Magazine guides.

Wasn't the easiest game but I had it completed by 10. Tomb Raider 2 that was.
Loved this game back in the day, played the original one to death and the second then lost interest along the way.

That video looks interesting but it'll be going up against the likes of Uncharted now which has raised the bar to hard to reach levels.

Interesting to see what they can make of it.