Today analysis : The negatives of taking others jobs/roles on a football pitch. The team build up.


Full Member
Sep 14, 2018
First, everything in this Universe have a negative and positive sides of it. From a human point of view. It’s true fact and it can not debate.

Example. From a human point of view. We need earth, firer, water, wind to exist. That are what we call positives things. Help us to exist and to be happy.

Now. The negative sides of those 4 elements and love :

1. Earth. With all the reasons in place. It can lead to earthquake. Or food belong to earth. If we eat too much food and eating poison food. It can lead to death = negative sides of earth element.
2. Firer. We need firer in Winter. But too much firer can lead to forrest firer. Or house firer.
3. Wind. Like Tornado or combine with water = Tsunami
4. Water = Too much water will lead too landslide or floods and inundation.
5. Love = Too much love + a narrow and ignorance perspective? Brian May and Queen will sing to us. "Too much love will kill" at anytime. And you are the victim of your own crime. or "Love hurts". Just negative sides from a human point of view.

So the point is. Today i am focusing only on the negative sides of players taking others jobs and roles on a football pitch, family, company, industry or everywhere roles do exist. I am will not going or talking about the positives sides of everything.
So it's the truth and again can't debate. Football and everything is just a part of life. Something are just true facts.

+ The topic i am going to focus on today. On a football pitch are :

1. Full backs goes into cm area and starting to support and become a extra cm playmaker.
2. GK become more of a libero playmaker.

1. The negative sides of a full becoming or taking over the job of a natural cm creative playmaker :

- Lesser and lesser overlapping will happen on a football pitch. A fullback or wingback shall support his left or right winger more than his cm players.
Because overlapping will make it more difficult for opponents sideback to stop your team attack. 2 against 1 sideback.

- Lesser crosser to CF and others attacking players. Because you are more busy to be in central midfield area

- It will be too many players in the central midfield area. In this case. I have been observing that like example. Kobbie Mainoo run out to the left wide side or Gundogan of City move up and play alongside with Haaland. Like a extra nr.10 or CF.
So what is point? You put a side back into cm area, then one of your natural cm move up as a 10/CF. Then you just end up with 2 players in there. Instead having 2 natural cm player. Then you change one cm with a player that try to become a creative cm player.
In the defensive i think it is good to put extra player in there to win the ball and stop opponent attack. But you might better change your formation from 4411 or 451 in the defensive. 5 more natural cm player instead of a natural defend becoming a cm player. For me it just pointless and have more negative than positive sides.

- And if you move in. One of your cm players move out wide or up as a 10. Then slowly his creative ability of cm player become worse and worse. Because natural he will do lesser of it. Simply there are too tight to have 3 players in central midfield. When you build up a attack. Reasons why many times Mainoo or Gundogan move wide or up to give space to that full back going into cm area. Just pointless.

Example like in company and industry jobs. What happen of one of your colleagues are taking over your jobs and you start doing others jobs? Over time if it continue. Lesser repeating = will leader lesser sharping or you might become more lazy.

And with Manchester United. I think Kobbie Mainno wasn't using to having his full back coming into his territory to help him. At the beginning for the first time. He use to drop really deep to get the ball. But he was confuse where he shall be. Because it's too tight to 3 creative cm players in that tight cm area. Imagine having 11 x11 big adult men playing in a 7 x7 football pitch? It will be too tight. Reason why Mainoo and Gundogan move out wide or up as 10 when a full back move into cm area.

- When a full back move into cm area. He can let your team vulnerable. Because he is leaving a big whole/space, to opponent team to attack that area. Easier to move down if you are just behind your wingers and on the side.

2. GK become more of a libero playmaker.

- Like above. If your goalkeeper starting most the team build up or play long ball really often. Your CBs do lesser of build up. It can have negative effect. Outfield players shall touch the ball more than the goalkeeper and if your goalkeeper becoming better with the ball than outfield players. Then it a bad sign and weakness. There are season why outfield players are not allow to use hands in open playing.
Repeating is key of sharpness. If you start to do lesser and lesser of what your roles on a football pitch is requiring. Not only in football, everywhere else. Your development to become top in what you are doing, goes other and the negative way. From a human point of view.
From a positive world. You can do my job, but only i can still get the same wage and go on holiday. But no, you can't. You just do lesser of it, lesser of your main roles/jobs on the football pitch.
Modern football can looks like a bit. "Players are all over the place". Sometime as full back, sometime as creative cm player, sometime as extra winger or nr.8 during a football match.

So sum up. There are reason why peoples are calling some jobs/roles are specialist. If you become lesser and lesser specialist = you become an all around.
An allrounder knows and can everything. But do we believe and think like be a top creative cm playmaker or a natural goalscorer. A all rounder can and is better?Not a chance.
Even a allround and main doctor is always sending the patient to different specialist to a closer look on the problems and illness. Like every specialist in every component of our human body. Lungs, heart, eyes or specialist etc etc.

Then from a joke point of view. I would do like Paul Scholes saying. If a full back come into cm area. I would throw him back to where he belong. To his main role on the pitch.

So like how often do we see are really good "Overlapping" right up there in the wide corner? Or how often do we see a good and precise crosser? Because there are no left foot player on the left wide side. No right foot player on the right wide side.
A precise good crosser from Marcus Rashford too Garnacho was example of point of having a right foot player on the right side. If a right back with a natural right move into cm area, instead of move up to support RW. Then we will see lesser and lesser of overlapping and crosser.
Because wingers those day cut in more. RW with left foot and LW with RW. Then crosser appear lesser and lesser.

Those are the negative sides of taking others jobs on a football pitch. There a positive side of it too. But i am not focus and not write about it.
From mine observing. There are more negative than positives if a fullback support or try to become the team creative cm player, during a match.
I better drop the nr.10/cam to play 433/451. Then playing 4411 and give the full back freedom to become a extra cm player.

You better develop players to become specialist in younger days, as kids. Then at around age of 25. Trying to become a top creative cm player. Not a chance it will happen if i am a head coach and in charge of a team.
There are and exist a formation that will make you dominate the cm area. And that is 433. You have 3 cm creative player, but your full backs still support your wingers and still keep the overlapping.

Reason why 433/451 is caling "total football". This formation cover ever aspect and everything your team need. You don't need to switch and swap roles too too much during a football match. This formation is more advance. But when you get it right. But in the offensive and defend. This formation 433 will be more complete.
Example in defend. Your team will be more tight and compact with 5 men midfield. Instead of 4 men midfield.
So for United. If i was United head coach. I would drop Bruno down as another 8, a extra cm creative player. Instead of bringing the full back into cm area as a extra cm player.

In the end. As a United fan. I can't wait to see a left foot left back coming back from injury. To see him run up and down to support his LW more than CM players. I think LW needs help more than cm players. Don't you trust your cm's player creative and playmaker ability?When it come to build up of the attack? Why you put a extra creative cm player in there?

I am missing a really really good overlapping. I don't see that often. In the past few years. So bring back full back like Denis Irwin or side back like that. More on the wide side and in cm area. Please don't take others jobs on a football pitch.
Tldr: the four elements must be present on the pitch. Being in Manchester, earth, wind and water are no problem but we need fire. With fire we will have UNITED the four elements and created LOVE, the 5th Element. Only then can we transcend this mortal league and enter the football heavens once more.
Tldr: the four elements must be present on the pitch. Being in Manchester, earth, wind and water are no problem but we need fire. With fire we will have UNITED the four elements and created LOVE, the 5th Element. Only then can we transcend this mortal league and enter the football heavens once more.
I once represented an arsonist who did insurance jobs. He might still be around. Shall I give him a ring?
Love these threads. And we probably would be better off if LuckyScout was our entire scouting team for the last few years :o
This argument is too long to critique in detail. However any argument that only explains the downsides of something is honestly kind of pointless from the start. Without also considering the pros of something, balancing the pros against the cons and then applying them to a given situation, its meaningless.

It's like arguing that the problem with having any attackers on the pitch is that you leave gaps in defence. That is also true, but the upside of actually having attackers on the pitch clearly would outweigh the downside.

The very nature of football is that you're constantly balancing pros and cons. With the opposition having the same number of players as you, and with the pitch being as large as it is, there is no objectively best formation or set of roles. At best, you have situations that are mostly better, most of the time.

It's a constant balance between different factors. Simply stating the negative and calling it quits is not analysis.

I would also say that some of the negatives stated are really strange. For example, the idea that having ball playing keeper is bad because it will result in your outfield players touching the ball less and therefore they will get worse at passing is a completely bizarre argument. I don't think I even need to explain why.
"So what is point?"

Rotational movement in attempt to throw the opponents off guard/cause confusion as to who is supposed to be picking up which player.

A huge number of teams try attack in a 3-2-5 shape nowadays. Not for counter attacks because you don't have the time to get into that shape, but when there's a steady buildup.There's so many of them that do it, probably another thing they've all copied Pep on but I'm not sure. It's roots are very old of course, the "WM".

The basic way to get into a 3-2-5 from a 4-2-3-1 is to send 1 full back all the way forward to join the front 4 players. The remaining full back and central defenders form a back 3 and the 2 central midfielders stay where they are. From a 4-3-3 it's slightly different, one of the CMs moves too.

If that's the only way a team attacks it comes a bit predictable. Doing something fancy to get into that same shape can break down the defensive marking scheme or leaves players unsure as to who is picking up who, creates a little more space or time on the ball. That's it really.

Goalie being a libero or getting on the ball more? I'm not sure I always love it due to the times they give it away instead of booting it, I'm old school, but it's tactically sound in theory. Your opponents goalie isn't really a factor when you have the ball in the sense that he's guarding his goal rather than marking a player. That leaves your 10 outfield players vs their 10 traditionally speaking. If you bring your goalkeeper into the equation and have him as an option to be involved more in the build up you now have 11 vs 10 as a numerical advanatge and should always have a free player.

With the change of the goal kick rule in recent seasons where the ball now doesn't have to leave the penalty area it's encouraged it. That whole situation has become a highly rehearsed set piece of sorts. PL teams are averaging 7 goal kicks each per game. They practice corners and they get less of those so they're going to practice these too.

Mini rant time: Hate the way self-styled tactics gurus on youtube act as though goal kicks are the beginning of nearly every single move. Many base their whole videos only talking about build ups that start this way when talking about a manger's tactics as if that's how all attacks start when it's far from the case. They're fairly common but not as common as they make out.
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Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.