To catch a predator


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
Quality show, anyone seen it? It's on FX now.

It's controversial, but I say feck it, it's what they deserve.

They get a girl whose 18 (it's American) to pretend to be 13/14 in online chat rooms, home alone. They get paedophiles talking to them knowing their supposed age, they say some proper nasty shit that gets my blood boiling, really nasty shit, send naked photos etc, the '13' year old girl gets them to come over, they do, they walk in and talk to this girl for a bit, and then a TV host walks out with the transcript 'Hi, would you like to tell me what you're talking about here in this log?' They get all nervous, start saying shit like 'Oh we were just talking.' The host leads them on like he believes them and then says 'oh well you see, I have the transcript here' and shoots them down. Then the guy eventually says oh I'm not a police man, you're free to leave. They walk out and all of a sudden all these police go GET DOWN DOWN DOWN, arrest the feckers and send them to jail.

21 arrested in 4 days in this show. Serves the feckers right.
Surely that's not legal?

There can seriously put you through the meat grinder for it. Luckily my Uncle Roland is a lawyer so it got reduced to community service but the stigmata's still there, there's no legal cure for that.

Screw those guys.
There can seriously put you through the meat grinder for it. Luckily my Uncle Roland is a lawyer so it got reduced to community service but the stigmata's still there, there's no legal cure for that.

Screw those guys.
I'd say that's a pain in the hand alright.
I've seen some episodes. These guys deserve everything that comes their way. Most of them are extremely sick and perverted, even by Caf standards! They are mostly just a bunch of older guys with a jailbait fetish.
It's a ridiculous idea for a TV show but i've no sympathy for the pricks involved. They deserve to be named and shamed.
Watching it on YouTube now, I think what they're doing is good and obviously the more of these sorts of people that are locked up the better; I'm just not sure it should be recorded and broadcast as 'entertainment'.
Watching it on YouTube now, I think what they're doing is good and obviously the more of these sorts of people that are locked up the better; I'm just not sure it should be recorded and broadcast as 'entertainment'.

I'm exactly the same. I've watched a lot of episodes now and the viewing doesn't get any less uncomfortable for me. It's just too weird an idea for a TV show for it to sit comfortably.
Absolute hit in the US. Hilarious at some times. Disturbing at all times. For some reason the thing that bothered me the most about the show is that the cops at the end would always take the perp's face and slam it into the ground. Sort of makes sense if they have to take the guy down. Makes a little less sense when the guy lays himself down and the cops pick his head up specifically for the purpose to slam it back down. I know nobody cares because these people were attempting sex crimes, but still, if you want to leave things open for a brutality charge, maybe that evidence on tape can lead to something. I don't know. And I don't know why that's the part of the show I'm focused on rather than the naked guy talking with Chris Hansen in the kitchen.
Used to watch all the clips on youtube and some of them are ridiculous. One guy had Cerebral Palsy and had to use a walking stick to struggle his way into the house, he was a repeat offender too.
It's probably too old to track down but about six or seven years back I remember reading an article on an FBI section chief(?)'s pre-teen daughters being hired to teach chatroom lingo to undercover agents.

IIRC they were paid quite well, too; not unreasonable when their job was to ensure that men and women in their thirties and forties could pass for gushing schoolgirls on the internet and also keep them up-to-date on the newest phrases.