Titanic (the ITV mini series) - all episodes have aired -SPOILER WARNING


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
The first episode promised great things with the Titanic promising to be a great set for the class divides of the day, but there was far too much repetition with no great coming together of the plot lines in episode 4. Plus some romances were nearly as silly as in the movie. A wasted opportunity IMO.
And they couldn't even be bothered to cool the set enough to make the actors seem cold at the end. No condensed breath at all. Which was silly.
I'll never watch anything Julian Fellowes' writes. For no discernable reason, I just don't like the cut of his jib.
So it still sinks, was the door big enough for the two of them to get on this time?
Was he the Downton Abbey bloke? If so I doubt I'd have wasted my time. Bollocks.
Did she still let go of Jack at the end after specifically telling him she would never let go?

What was the point of this? It was the same old story told in a way we've all seen before.

Well ok, I only watched the first one so it may have got better but what I did see was a waste of time.
The point was, Downton Abbey was bafflingly successful. The anniversary of the Titanic was coming up, and Julian Fellowes writes about old timey class shit in a way old people seem to like. feck it, make him write about the Titanic. Awards and ratings will flow. Especially if we just call it 'Titanic', then younger people will think it's the film when they're flicking.
Was there any Winslett like nudity?
I dont think so, not even any sideboob on show, fecking shit programme.
I dont think so, not even any sideboob on show, fecking shit programme.

I see no reason to watch it then. It's fairly predictable as program's go.
Watched the first episode and nothing else. Just thought it was very bland. There was no sense of peril and it seemed more about the people than the actual event. Sky+ it but deleted the link after the first episode. My other half couldn't be arsed watching it after the first episode and she loves downton.
They should make one where it doesn't sink. Just to be unexpected.

Like the movie where they raised the thing up from the water in one piece? Now that was unexpected!
Did they sink it again? That's how I would've done it. Preferably with Aliens, and Rihanna as a Naval Officer.
No, they brought it to New York, how predictable!
in the real one he tried to get on but he was too heavy and then he let Rose get on but in a new one they should make him get on the door and then shoot rose in the head so he can survive.
The point was, Downton Abbey was bafflingly successful. The anniversary of the Titanic was coming up, and Julian Fellowes writes about old timey class shit in a way old people seem to like. feck it, make him write about the Titanic. Awards and ratings will flow. Especially if we just call it 'Titanic', then younger people will think it's the film when they're flicking.

After the first episode I thought that they were going to say something interesting about the class divides and the way that even servants of different classes divided themselves quite enthusiastically. And then they didn't. Disappointing.
I enjoyed it, but then again i've been reading/watching a lot of Titanic stuff recently

I'd recommend reading "Voices from the Titanic" by Geoff Tibballs. Basically its a collection of the witness statements, newspaper articles and court statements. Very interesting stuff, that hasn't really been shown in any of the movies/tv series that i've seen on the subject:

for example:
  • Most of the men stood back and encouraged a "women and children first" stance. Anyone that tried to jump the queue was beaten back, and in some cases, shot by the officers.
  • There are accounts of men putting their wives/children on the boats, and then stepping away to have a cigarette/cigar. The last their wives saw of them was them smiling down and telling the women that they'd be ok
  • A lot of the people wouldn't evacuate at first, because they all had believed the paper hype that the boat was unsinkable. Many of them were told to go "back to sleep" when they got up to see what the commotion was.
  • The Captain was dipicted as staying on the bridge. This is inaccurate. He was swept off the ship by a wave, and was seen swimming holding a baby above the water, putting the baby in a life raft and then swimming back to the ship. After the event the captain was portrayed as some kind of idiot by the press as he had commanded the sister ship "Olympic" which also had been involved in an incident.
  • Several officers, made sure that they got as many people off as possible before turning the guns on themselves and commiting suicide.
  • The wireless operator stayed to the very end sending out the new code "SOS"
  • Many of the Italian passengers from steerage class, disobeyed the "women and children" first and jumped into life rafts as they were being lowered down. One large man landed on women breaking their ribs/causing internal injuries.
  • One life raft was half submerged in water. 18 people stood in the boat for hours because they couldn't sit down in it. Several of them died from exposure.
  • One japanese man was found floating on a wooden door. He had strapped himself to the hinges. At first it was thought that he was dead but they took him aboard a life craft. Upon gaining conciousness, he started shouting in Japanese, jumping up and down to warm himself up and then went and shoved one of the oarsmen away and took over rowing for the next 4 hours.
  • The iceberg that sank the ship was bigger than the titanic itself. Several people on the deck were killed by chunks of ice flying off it when it collided
  • Several babies which survived where unclaimed as they didnt know who they belonged too. They went into the care of nuns in America. A lot of men shoved the babies into the hands of ladies who were lucky enough to get on a lifeboat. Several babies were chucked literally overboard into lifeboats below, caught by someone in the boat.
Many many interesting first hand accounts that i didnt know before. very moving.
I enjoyed it, but then again i've been reading/watching a lot of Titanic stuff recently

I'd recommend reading "Voices from the Titanic" by Geoff Tibballs. Basically its a collection of the witness statements, newspaper articles and court statements. Very interesting stuff, that hasn't really been shown in any of the movies/tv series that i've seen on the subject:

for example:
  • One japanese man was found floating on a wooden door. He had strapped himself to the hinges. At first it was thought that he was dead but they took him aboard a life craft. Upon gaining conciousness, he started shouting in Japanese, jumping up and down to warm himself up and then went and shoved one of the oarsmen away and took over rowing for the next 4 hours.

What a guy. That's class.