Thunderbirds Are Go!

Why are you happy about this? I hate it when they bring back things that they should just leave well alone. He made a new captain scarlet that was entirely CGI and that was shite.
I've always admired just how much skill it would have taken for them to make that program. I've seen some of the sets and you wouldn't believe just how big they are. The original Thomas the tank engine is another. It took up nearly an entire aircraft hanger just for the railway. In saying that, it wasn't your normal oo gauge setup. I think they were 1/32 scaled.
My favourite bits in Thunderbirds were when it would do a close up and would have a set of real hands pop up and do something. Like Parker when he cracked a safe.
I'm interested in seeing how this turns out. As A kid I watched Thunderbirds when it came back on TV in the 90's. It's a big challenge for them to try and update it so it impresses a modern audience whilst staying true to it's roots.
Gerry Anderson has announced a new series of the best show ever.

Lets hope he sticks with puppets and not CGI the thing to dust.

I love Thunderbirds , yes I am 45 but still.
It will be CGI no puppets or strings , and that's why it will fail people want to see the strings and the human hands that sometimes made it to the screen.
This will be awesome, if puppets.

CGI will shit on its peaceful gold plated grave.
I love Thunderbirds , yes I am 45 but still.
It will be CGI no puppets or strings , and that's why it will fail people want to see the strings and the human hands that sometimes made it to the screen.


It was the awesome detailing that did it for me.

And the toys, which I proudly collect.

BTW - Has there ever been a more scary bloke than this?

The Hood is the best kids villain ever.
Scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.

The real life Thunderbirds a few years ago was just dreadful and could of been so much better.
The actors where just not good and did not make the parts belevable ,there is massive scope for a string of films if they can get it right.
Mind you I did like the Thunderbirds craft in that film , they looked excellent
This is from The Independent website.

The Thunderbirds are go! Again. And with strings attached – or not, as the case may be.

After an absence from British television screens of 45 years, the show could rocket back into living rooms after its creator said a deal had been done for a reboot of the 1960s classic.

Gerry Anderson told Radio 5 Live's Drive programme the show will be "modernised", and will contain "all the mod cons" to employ "today's technology", no doubt a blow to fans of the original series' brand of lo-fi puppeteering.

"It will certainly be modernised," Anderson said. "It will be a brand new show, keeping all the main characters, all the machines and all the locations. It will have all the elements that made Thunderbirds popular in the first place but will be made with today's technology and today's thinking and today's pace."

Anderson hopes the new series will be a departure from a 2004 Hollywood treatment starring Bill Paxton, which he described as "the biggest load of crap I have ever seen in my life".

ITV Studios, which owns the rights to the series, refused to confirm a new series was planned.
Thunderbird #2 was the best one, everyone knows it.
I like the CGI puppets idea. Except doesn't that mean you have to have CGI puppeteers.

No. Essentially it would just remove the human error aspect of the puppetry and all the logistics of timing all of that with the proper camera shots. Essentially if you feck up, you fix some code in the physics engine (far easier said than done) instead of having to set everything back up and reshoot or make strategic cuts.

Theoretically this would still give it the low-tech appearance to appeal to the long-time fans, but also take advantage of technology to make the production process a lot quicker and a lot less frustrating.