Thom Yorke


Wobbles like a massive pair of tits
Apr 26, 2007
Love him or hate him, the guy is bloody talented. A new song:

I just think he's a complete weirdo, and not in a good way. I've seen him interviewed and he just comes across a deranged loon. Not to mention that most Radiohead fans are giant spastics like Rednome.
Deranged loon? He's an intelligent guy. He's definitely a bit weird, but he's not some mental case. Can you really blame the guy for being a bit weird when he was made fun of all throughout his youth because of his appearance? Furthermore, the way he acts in interviews doesn't really have much bearing on his talent as a musician. If you think he's not even talented, there's surely something wrong with you.

Anyway, trying to get tickets to his show with that new band of his in NYC in early April. Should be amazing if I get em..
Personally I think Yorkey is brilliant, unique amongst a lot of dross that floats about in the music world these days

He can be hit and miss but is always onto trying something a little different and when it works its great

Like him and Radiohead
A genius. Probably an over used term but Yorke ranks amongst the great English songwriters like Ray Davies, Morrisey, Lennon etc. He has successfully changed the direction and sound of his and Radiohead's music every time they do something new and it always pushed music forward and has an impact on the industry, often pertinently. You may not like the music but that is down to taste.

And a fervent political activist which often comes across heavily when interviewed and does make him seem very obtuse, kurt and 'holier than thou' at times.

In Rainbows was fecking excellent as well.
Love Thom Yorke and Radiohead

Anyone heard much of his collaberation work with Modeselektor? Some of it is excellent
Went to the Atoms for Peace concert in NYC last night. It was utterly fantastic. Harrowdown Hill, Cymbal Rush, and Paperbag Writer were particularly amazing. For that matter, the entire show was amazing really. Thom debuted a new, still unnamed song last night as well.

The venue was so small and really made for an awesome atmosphere. I can see how Thom Yorke and Flea ended up working together just by their stage presence. They both really get into the music they're playing, not to mention they're both pretty damn quirky and odd. Just wish I was going to the concert tonight as well.