Television The Professional Grappling Thread

cena is like a really bad bollywood movie, at first he was like a jelly baby in strength compared to henry but then he made him tap
Does anyone ever expect Cena to be pinned? He's lost clean at ppv's like 5 times in the past 7 years.
Someone I'm talking to reckons Cena was meant to have been wrestling that match with "an injury" (as in storyline). That makes the "can he lift him?" make more sense, but I don't think the commentators mentioned any injury.
Someone I'm talking to reckons Cena was meant to have been wrestling that match with "an injury" (as in storyline). That makes the "can he lift him?" make more sense, but I don't think the commentators mentioned any injury.
Naw, that was the shtick from the Ryback match, they surely wouldn't do it exactly the same in both?
Honestly couldn't care less about RVD. Haven't liked him since around 2002.
Orton is a phenomenal heel. It was either him or Bryan in truth. I was disappointed with the entertainment towards the end, but my word - Sheamus died 3 times. He fell awkwardly off the ladder, plus CM Punk showed no remorse when he slammed the ladder off his head. First match was epic and Dolph Ziggler's performance was another positive.
I'm hoping that they wait a while, and get the title off Cena before Orton cashes in.

But then again, I also said I hope they wait with Sandow, and I think they tend to one cash-in quite quickly, and one cash-in later on. Haven't done any research on that, mind.

Edit: Looked up how long it took to cash in their contracts. Only going since 2010, because that's when there started to be two of them.

Money in the Bank 2010 (July 18th)

WHC: July 18th - 0 days
WWE: November 22nd - 127 days

MITB 2011 (July 17th)

WHC: December 18th - 154 days
WWE: August 14th - 28 days

MITB 2012 (July 15th 2012)

WHC - April 8th 2013 - 267 days
WWE - July 23rd 2012 - 8 days

So there is a pattern of sorts starting to emerge there. One gets cashed in very quickly (within a month), and the other takes at least five months to be cashed in.
Just seen the results, can't believe Sandow won! fecking love him

Worth watching the PPV?
I enjyoed the shit out of the Henry/Cena match too... Henry oozes charisma, just watching him walk around like owned the joint was fantastic.
Just seen the results, can't believe Sandow won! fecking love him

Worth watching the PPV?

I'd say so, it was newsworthy and fun for the most part. Watch the pre-show match, then the first ladder match, fast forward until the start of Ziggler vs. Del Rio and watch until the end.


:lol: Don't let Heyman loose in Philly.
Come on guys! The ziggler match too was ok.
It was a great match I thought, until the finish.
I enjyoed the shit out of the Henry/Cena match too... Henry oozes charisma, just watching him walk around like owned the joint was fantastic.
Henry's got some proper, old fashioned swagger. Not that shite "swag" but proper, "I'm the fecking man, deal with it" swagger.
Anyone seen Wyatt's ring work?
I have just a passing interest in WWE these days, but Wyatt's promos and debut segment with Kane have been fantastic so far.
Enjoyable PPV all-in-all. I really thought Cody might win, but good steal by Sandow. They could have quite an entertaining feud.

A couple of downsides:

Ryback's roll-up was probably worse than Stone Cold's on Owen Hart when his neck was broken.

The finish to the Ziggler/Del Rio match - although I can see the logic in splitting Ziggler from his stable. I just hope he goes over clean at SummerSlam.

Axel beating on DBryan. They better not relegate Bryan to mid-card and feud for the IC title.

RVD's return was a bit sluggish. I know he's aged a bit, but his 5 star frog splash but just a bit of splash really.

While the first MITB match was more innovative, the guys in the second match took a real hammering. Punk especially!