Television The Professional Grappling Thread

Think Cole and Lawler were genuinely shocked when he did it. Made for fantastic entertainment.
It's a safer version, seems that way to me anyway.

There's that, and Taker has the most experience of pretty much anybody in WWE. He's likely been permitted to use the Tombstone because if anyone can hit it safely, it's him.
Doesn't Undertaker do a piledriver?

Dropping to your knees, holding the guy's weight at a safe height above your knees means that your knees take all the impact and the opponents head doesn't twist right or left. The chance of error is very minimal in this.

Falling backwards onto your backside and trying to prevent the guy's neck from buckling either way, not to mention keeping your own stability in the whole move, is risky.

Whilst they're both a piledriver, one is controllable and easy to execute, whereas, the other is dependent upon many factors involving both wrestlers.
It's a banned move

Stephanie gave evidence to a US Government health committee a few years ago, apparently only 2 wrestlers in the company are allowed to use that move. Presumably undertaker is one of them, and I've had a brainfart as to who the other is.
Stephanie gave evidence to a US Government health committee a few years ago, apparently only 2 wrestlers in the company are allowed to use that move. Presumably undertaker is one of them, and I've had a brainfart as to who the other is.

I'm sure Lawler used it in the past couple of years
Stephanie gave evidence to a US Government health committee a few years ago, apparently only 2 wrestlers in the company are allowed to use that move. Presumably undertaker is one of them, and I've had a brainfart as to who the other is.

Probably another huge and experienced guy, Kane I would guess.

I think they banned them after Owen Hart broke Steve Austin's neck with a botched one.
Stephanie gave evidence to a US Government health committee a few years ago, apparently only 2 wrestlers in the company are allowed to use that move. Presumably undertaker is one of them, and I've had a brainfart as to who the other is.
Kane! He tombstoned Zack Ryder that one time.
Be interesting to see where they go with Punk tonight? Is him v Taker pretty much nailed on for WM?
If Taker returns tonight (old school Raw so I think he will), its the only big match that Punk will be apart of. Shame we all know he will lose.
Was hoping Old School RAW would mean Biker Taker. Always preferred that gimmick.
Oh, quick question: what do you all think of Ziggler's selling? Because I see so much praise for it around the net, and I simply don't get it.

He hurls himself around the ring in response to everything, and all he's doing is making himself look rubbish. If Ziggler is the only person who gets send bouncing across the ring just because Ryback raised an eyebrow, then isn't he logically the weakest guy on the roster? I don't see smaller guys that Ziggler reacting that way to powermoves, so I can only guess that he's made out of some sort of balloon material.

There was a match, or postmatch segment where Kane chokeslammed him, and he actually bounced off the canvas and did a little spin. That's not good selling, it's Shawn Michaels vs. Hulk Hogan levels of silliness! Besides, selling everything like that takes away from the biggest moves. Sell Ryback's clothesline like death, not him shrugging. Sell Big Show's knockout punch like that, or Reign's spear, make those moves mean something.

Saw a video recently of Rock getting hit by the Gore (Gore! Gore!) and he flipped backwards. Because that was one of the only moves I've seen him do that for (Stunner being another), it made it look destructive. If Rock backflipped every time someone looked at him, it wouldn't have anywhere close to that sort of impact on me as the viewer.

You don't have to bounce around like a lunatic to make yourself or your opponent look good.
Yes, that's what I'm talking about :mad:.

I know what you're getting at, but I love flips and shit. I love his flips and shit. More flips and shit, less Cena.
Flips and shit has a time and a place (I'm actually a massive fan of the whole cruiserweight/X-Division flippy shit style). The time and place is not when Ryback sneezes.
On the note of Ryback, him vs Henry tease. What do we think? Will it happen?
They teased Henry vs. Khali too, luckily that got ended on TV. I wouldn't hold high hopes for Henry vs. Ryback though, has the potential to be very slow and clunky. Ryback wouldn't be able to get his finisher on Henry neither.
Ryback hitting Shellshocked on Henry would be a cool sight, and one they could call a "Wrestlemania moment."

Although I thought Mark was facing Jericho, and before that he was facing Khali. They should probably decide at some point before Wrestlemania is here.