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It’s how pushes go now innit, you get a title reign from MITB to around the Rumble.
And thats where the problem of building new stars is. Brock, Roman, Goldberg, Orton or Lashley and that tier of guys bring more exposure right now. They're bigger stars.
So how does someone like Drew or Big E become a big star? They need to be given the push of being treated as the same tier or they'll teach the audience that the real stars are the old guys who have been in the main events for 10 years or more.
Big E is the latest chance to make a star. Other than not being 6'4+ he's everything WWE suggests they want. He couldnt have worked more on his body, he has charisma, he's good in the ring, he can talk, he's well liked...
So here they have the chance to make him the next Lashley. With Drew last time around he didnt get his crowning moment in front of the fans which may have stopped his momentum a bit. But with Big E he had his moment and they just arent running with him.
If you keep going to the past you eat away at the future and things get stale because you see the same faces doing the same things repeatedly year after year and dont feel like you miss anything important because nothing much changes
I hope that this time next year Drew and Big E are doing big things for the big titles for the Rumble and Wrestlemania in front of crowds and helping them to reach the higher levels. But I'm going to predict they'll be in mid card titles and feuds again instead