The Hangman/Bryan stuff points to a bigger issue IMHO. My take, as a hardcore casual fan (by that, I mean someone who is very invested in the ‘sports entertainment’ style done well) is that TV matches shouldn’t be too long. It feels that each match on Dynamite goes over 15 mins, even between lower carders with no story between them.
For me, you keep all TV matches to 10 mins max. It’s OK to have your top guys kill a lower carder in 3 mins. Any match over 10 mins should 1) be the main event, 2) have lots of story between the opponents or 3) be between the very best workers.
Casual fans prefer quick fire stuff. Save the big matches for PPVs where the audience are really engaged. TV needs to be used as a way to grow your audience. AEW, despite having a far better product than WWE, is cringe because it plays to the r/SquaredCircle nerds so constantly self reinforces as ‘OMFG BEST THING EVAAA’ despite the actual numbers not bearing this out.
Pure wrestling bell to bell doesn’t sell. What sells is characters, moments, stories etc. AEW, to its credit, has a lot of these too but undermines itself with the overly pandering to the purist, geekdom crew. Consumer satisfaction amongst its small base is always super high but its growth will always be capped as new/casual fans are made to sit through LONG matches they don’t care about.