This is Unreal. Anyone Seen Anything Quite Like This?

The Hendrix one is pretty incredible too.
I just followed through a little.

feck me that's awesome.
Can't get that Led Zep riff out of my head now. :D
Shit I had no idea that was the Police Academy dude. Absolutely brilliant.
Fiddlesticks! I can't see anything on this damn phone but it sounds like it's awesome. Someone post the un-embedded addy so I can click on it, cheers.

I admired him when I was 8....I admire him now. God bless you Michael Winslow
Isn't he just pressing pedals to synth his voice? Still impressive but is it natural?

Yes, he is. If you watch his eyeline and left leg you can see him operating them. Most noticeable instances at 33 seconds and 55-56 seconds. And at the very beginning when he's doing a final check.

Funny thing being that this is actually probably one of the less impressive things in his repertoire.