The West

World 9. It was the only one available to me. You ?

By the way, my username is Sonny James Jnr
It's another one of those slow RPGs. Feckin hell, you have to spend 2 real-time hours working on 1 single job. Why can't they speed these RPG games up ?
It's a decent game but you need patience. I asked on the forum what people do while their characters are working for 2 hours. They responded with "I dunno.......sleep, eat or hang out on this forum"
I think the idea is to develop your character over a period of 6 - 12 months. I guess I'll keep at it. You can play it all day and have it running in the background of your computer. I think also that as your character becomes more advanced the time it takes to earn money lessens
I've just advertised for a town to come and invite me to join them. I'm probably going to end up the town drunk
Cuntanoid ? :)

They may cancel your account for that. I was reading in the rules that they're quite strict on certain profanities
Right so folks, I am going to start a town and call it Old Trafford. When it's done I will let you know. If you give me your usernames I will send out invitations to become a member of my town. It's going to be a beer swilling, lawless town full of drunkards, whores and those of shady ilk

Sort of like on here
It takes a while to get to a point where you can build a town yourself so I think my plan was a little premature. Having said that, I have a plan. I'm going to join a decent town (if the cnuts will invite me) work up my stats and money, then leave it to found Old Trafford, or Caftards Ville or Soiled Handbag......or something to that effect