The Ukulele Thread


There are no words
Aug 24, 2010
Froggle Rock
The time has come. RedCafe has done well to survive without a ukulele thread for so long but it must struggle through no longer.

The ukulele is by far the greatest instrument on the planet and thus, learning to play it is by far the greatest thing a human being can achieve. I know that Silva is a fellow uke enthusiast and I'm sure there are some more lurking on the caf.

I propose we use this thread to worship the ukulele, to appreciate the music it produces and generally to feel superior to the unenlightened. In fact I'll do that anyway even if no one else joins in. You should see the smug look on my face right now.

And now, an interlude from the one and only, Israel Kamakawiwoʻole:

What is it with Ukulele's all of a sudden. My daughter and all her friends are talking about getting them and learning to play.

Here is what I remember of Ukulele's from my youth.

Which explains why not many in my generation went in for the Ukulele.
I'm not sure why they've only become so popular over the last few years, but they're fun to play and require little to no musical talent so I guess that's the appeal. Those videos are indeed a little disturbing but in a good way, I think.
I've bought one without learning how to play :lol:

Probably best I watch some videos on youtube to learn to play this thing.
Could this not have gone in one of the other Ukelele threads?
What songs do you lads find easy to play then?

For me it's:
In the aeroplane over the sea by NMH
Ukulele anthem by Amanda Palmer
and I'm yours by Jason Mraz
Simply because they've all got pretty simple chord and strumming patterns, they're harder to play wrong really.

Also, I imagine most of you use uke hunt as your main source of ukulele based information? Or are you patrons of a different website?
Could this not have gone in one of the other Ukelele threads?

There are others?

What songs do you lads find easy to play then?

For me it's:
In the aeroplane over the sea by NMH
Ukulele anthem by Amanda Palmer
and I'm yours by Jason Mraz
Simply because they've all got pretty simple chord and strumming patterns, they're harder to play wrong really.

Also, I imagine most of you use uke hunt as your main source of ukulele based information? Or are you patrons of a different website?

This was the first song I learnt and it's piss easy really.

I also do a cracking Stand By Me.
54M views on the 'tube, how did you miss it? There's another of him singing Ob-la-di, ob-la-da. It's even better.
I do like the GB uke orchestra, the one from New Zealand (or Australia, I never remember) is quite good too.

This was the first song I learnt and it's piss easy really.

I also do a cracking Stand By Me.
Yeah you're right, pretty easy song that, already got the gist of it down, an hours worth should see me able to bang it out at any time.
I have a pretty shite one, don't play it much
I got one last year, having never played an instrument before I was quite surprised how easy it was to pick up.
I got one two weeks ago but have broken my collar bone so can't pick it up. How do you tune it?
I got one two weeks ago but have broken my collar bone so can't pick it up. How do you tune it?

Ouch! That can't have been fun.

This is pretty handy to tune it with:

Just choose Ukulele on the drop down menu and then when you pluck a string it'll show you what note it is on the graph, so you tune it up or down accordingly. Most ukes are GCEA tuning, where the top string is supposed to be G and the bottom A.
Why wasn't this thread started earlier...?

I saw one at Costco last week for $100.00, it must be a good one. I think I'll buy it next time I'm in.
I don't play that often but they can be great fun, especially playing along with another guitar or two. I only share a right-handed uke so as a leftie I have to play upside down. I'm not too much worse that way but shall still use it as an excuse for remaining rubbish. My favourite song containing ukulele:

The Ukulele Orchestra needs locking up for crimes against music, humanity and the word libido. Tiny Tim :D
How easy are these feckers to play then? A lot easier than a geetar?
Kate Micucci not been mentioned yet

Apparently William H. Macy plays it as well