The Twilight Hype


Full Member
Jul 12, 2005
Twilight: New Moon broke the record of The Dark Knight for the highest first day box-office record and has finished the weekend as third in the all time list of top box office earners for the opening weekend with a bloody massive $140.7 million.

So my question is this ..... What the feck ?

Seriously, do people no longer know a good movie from a bad one ? Surely this is the first sign of de-evolution. Can we just blame pre-pubescent girls for 140 million dollar take on a opening weekend. I have officially lost the little faith I had in humanity.
By puff do you mean poof? Or am I being ridiculously dence?
It's ridiculous, everyone who saw it is a complete tard.
Twilight: New Moon broke the record of The Dark Knight for the highest first day box-office record and has finished the weekend as third in the all time list of top box office earners for the opening weekend with a bloody massive $140.7 million.

They shouldn't do it by revenue, as it makes no sense, it should be done by the number of tickets sold.
They shouldn't do it by revenue, as it makes no sense, it should be done by the number of tickets sold.


Doesn't take into account the variance of ticket prices across some cinemas.

If they were going to go by revenue, they should have a standardised price (or price range) for the tickets.
I went to see the first one blissfully unaware of how angsty it all was. Me and two female friends laughed or cringed the whole way through.
We're going to watch New Moon for a laugh. I realise that by doing this I will make them more money and encourage more crap films but it has to be done because it's so cringeworthy and crap that we enjoy laughing at it and the people who give us evils in the cinema.
They shouldn't do it by revenue, as it makes no sense, it should be done by the number of tickets sold.

Yeah, that makes sense. But still, we got to admit that the sheer number of people who have seen this movie in the first weekend is madness. I couldn't get myself to finish the 2 minute trailer because it looked so incredibly shit. Too each their own I guess.
my gf wants to watch this ... how do i get myself out of it ?

1. Buy her a copy of 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy.
2. Show her a trailer of the 'The Road' starring Viggo Mortensen.
3. Take her to the theatre this weekend and I can guarantee you that this is the movie she will want to watch. Not New Bleeding Moon.
1. Buy her a copy of 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy.
2. Show her a trailer of the 'The Road' starring Viggo Mortensen.
3. Take her to the theatre this weekend and I can guarantee you that this is the movie she will want to watch. Not New Bleeding Moon.

Great book. Trailer looks piss though.

And Twilight is lame and gay as feck. I've only seen the trailers, but i've overheard enough about it to decide its balls. Sparkly mother fecking vampires for christs sake. It sounds like Buffy for children.
Went to see it on Saturday with the missus. It is complete shit. I'm not saying it's only complete shit because I don't care for this particular trend of vampire lore, but shit because it is a horribly made movie. Laughable acting, a plot where not much happens, make it a pain to watch.
I like the idea of vampires and all that, Interview with a Vampire (probably Kirsten Dunst best performance) is one of my favourite films and i'm reading the Night Watch trilogy, but this looks beyond terrible. They sparkle FFS, sparkle!!
Have to take my two little sisters on wednesday, wish me luck lads.
apparently the new movie is rubbish ..
havent seen the first one either .. dont intend to

kristen stewart is :drool: tho
nice vampires are for pussies
I watched the first last week and the new one last night at the cinema, my girlfriend forced me but i actually enjoyed and im looking forward to the next one!
Went to see it on Saturday with the missus. It is complete shit. I'm not saying it's only complete shit because I don't care for this particular trend of vampire lore, but shit because it is a horribly made movie. Laughable acting, a plot where not much happens, make it a pain to watch.

I've only seen the trailers and am mildly familiar with the story but the acting (as judged from the trailer) is diabolical, and thats not meant in a nice way. The sad truth is that this franchise has got it made, they have a bloody license to print money for the next 5 to 10 odd years.
I saw it with my sister Saturday I think it was the worst cinema experience of my life and not just because of the shit film. The sreaming was endless over shit.
someone explain to me how the vampires walk around in sunlight and go to school?

someone explain to me how the vampires walk around in sunlight and go to school?

Don't go there. In my ignorance I assumed they wore sunblock as per Christian Dorff in Blade.

Imagine my surprise when there was a complete shunning of the daylight kills vampires scenario and the little f*ckers sparkle and shimmer like mirrorballs when exposed to bright light.

There's me sat in the cinema laughing like a hyena with all these Emo kids and thirty somethings revisiting their teen angst scowling at me!
A friend of mine was dragged to see it by his girlfriend despite my warnings that he should dump her rather than go, and he said he could barely even hear the dialogue there was so much screaming.

Apparently every time the vampire bloke came on screen or did anything, and the same with the werewolf bloke, the legions of girls in there would scream. And he said it wasn't just the fourteen year olds who'll never be with a real man and will end up fat and alone masturbating in the bath to a Mills and Boon novel, but older girls too, in their twenties, and always in groups.

I can imagine it being one of the worst experiences of any man's life :lol:

Then again, I still can't understand why women used to scream and faint whenever they went near the Beatles, too.
I've seen them both now. God knows where the hype comes from, especially for the second film because its bloody average.

I thought the first one was fine for what it is.