The Tudors

Nick 0208 Ldn

News 24
Mar 10, 2004

In what some might call Showtime's answer to the success story that was the HBO/BBC collabortion, Rome, we now follow the early life of Henry VIII in a historical drama series.

It aired Stateside in he Spring to critical aclaim and ratings to boot.

I was a huge fan of Rome, well i like my history so i do, and i'm much looking forward to this after the things i have heard. Granted sometimes the historical deviations can be annoying but if handled properly, fine enough.

Any Americans here on the Caf see it? What did you think?

It is starting this Friday on the BBC.
I watched the first episode and it was ok. Much nudity if i remember rightly clueless.

Maybe i'm being cynical but was Henry (I can call him by his first name because we are mates) ever thin and attractive like the bloke playing him?
I really like this and I suspect this will be the last season, but if not they really should rename it the O'Tudors.

JRM has given up any pretense that Henry VIII might have actually been English.
A rare series, in that it has actually got better along the way.

'Henry' didn't seem quite believable at the start, but now there's no messing, he's the king.
A rare series, in that it has actually got better along the way.

'Henry' didn't seem quite believable at the start, but now there's no messing, he's the king.

I agree entirely, he was too young and light weight at the start. Far too irish now though.
Atleast he attempted an English accent in seasons 1-3. In season 4 he's deepened his voice and sounds proper Irish.

My wife fecking loves this programme.
I watched the first episode and it was ok. Much nudity if i remember rightly clueless.

Maybe i'm being cynical but was Henry (I can call him by his first name because we are mates) ever thin and attractive like the bloke playing him?

It might have taken over three years to get your answer but, yes, I do believe he was something of a looker in his younger years.

But then he discovered lard... or something...
Atleast he attempted an English accent in seasons 1-3. In season 4 he's deepened his voice and sounds proper Irish.

My wife fecking loves this programme.

It's almost as if by the 4th season he knew they couldn't replace him so he stopped giving a feck.

Must admit we both love it too, though the number of hot nubile young ladies with heaving bosoms certainly helps.

Bit disappointed that Joely Richardson is his last wife. She's clearly not going to get her norks out. I'm not even sure I'd want her to these days.
Weird that this has come up again actually. I've never seen any of the series but someone has lent us the box set of the first two series on DVD and it's just sort of sitting there near the telly.

My wife watched the first episode the other day and wasn't overly impressed but judging by the comments on here, it sounds like it might be worth persevering with. Is that the case officionadoes?
Yeah it's great just don't expect to pass any history exams on the strength of the plot.

Plus try and watch it on hd if you can, it looks amazing.
It's absolutely brilliant, I love it.

The actor that plays Henry is :drool: in the first few seasons but then they have him getting all old and fat which is a real shame (but historically accurate).

It's just so entertaining every episode, and interesting. The acting is fantastic. It's got me really into Tudor history actually, I've got the first 3 seasons on DVD, watching season 4 on TV at the mo.
I really like this and I suspect this will be the last season, but if not they really should rename it the O'Tudors.

JRM has given up any pretense that Henry VIII might have actually been English.

what do you mean by that ? i thought it finished last year ?

and am i the only one who was "pleased" when anne boleyn got her head chopped off ? :D
what do you mean by that ? i thought it finished last year ?

and am i the only one who was "pleased" when anne boleyn got her head chopped off ? :D

Not at all, the Boleyn girls were a right pair of sexy minxes. I was sad to see them go.
Maybe i'm being cynical but was Henry (I can call him by his first name because we are mates) ever thin and attractive like the bloke playing him?

Courtesy of my research assistant, Professor Wikipedia:

Henry cultivated the image of a Renaissance Man and his court was a centre of scholarly and artistic innovation and glamorous excess, epitomised by The Field of Cloth of Gold. He was an accomplished musician, author, and poet. His best known musical composition is "Pastime with Good Company" or "The Kynges Ballade". He was an avid gambler and dice player, and excelled at sports, especially jousting, hunting, and real tennis.

Apparently he was very tall (considering most contemporaneous men were around 5' 3") and all-in-all a magnificent specimen of fighting-fit manhood. Was rather vain about his calves, it seems. ;) Foreign ambassadors proclaimed him as 'the most splendid monarch in Christendom.'

'Tis a pity that he turned out to be a right git...
I'm not one for period dramas, but the Tudors has kept me entertained these past 3-4 years since it started. As I already stated my wife absolutely loves it, she even has the bloody theme tune as her mobile ring tone!
At least the scriptwriters haven't just made a load of stuff up like the yanks would have done.

That's only because we actually have a history and it's entertaining enough as it stands with a little creative massaging.

And for the record I thought Anne Boleyn looked dirty.
