The Stone Roses


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Best debut album ever?

Bold statement I know but it really is perfect.
Very good album, great in fact but I'd go with hendrix - are you experienced and the eponymous The Doors and The Clash albums as better debuts.
It's a good thing their first album was so good because they disintegrated not long after. In fact, maybe the success of the first album contributed to their implosion.
Absolutely brilliant it is.

Shame they could'nt follwo it up.

Been listening to it fairry constantly for a good 2 years...
Came out originally before my time.
Absolutely brilliant it is.

Shame they could'nt follwo it up.

Been listening to it fairry constantly for a good 2 years...
Came out originally before my time.

They pretty much weren't allowed to, because of thier bellend of a manager. They went years without recording because of him, and lost their momentum, imo anyway. cnut. :(