Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 34/35 | 1st Round of Playoffs | This will never end (FALSE) | BasketballGM

Unless Embiid gets decline based on his injury I think that was a perfect team for our lady to join. Should be a playoff team next season
I am. I'm also reversing the slight ratings drop the game gave you because it thought you were an old man :lol:
Legitimacy of the whole thing has just been destroyed. If the game said he was found guilty of lying about his age then he did in fact lie about his age.
I thought there was always a danger the sim might randomly decide our boys get run over by a tractor, or lose their legs in a freak fishing accident. Or get injured in the middle of a playoff final. So now these acts of gods will get reversed?

If the game kills someone, they're dead - and that can happen (but only to created players, which... well, that's basically you guys). But just adding 3 years to someone feels wrong, particularly when it's the start of their career.
A random killing seems a lot less fair than a random age bump
wonder if someone gets randomly found out for doping. I do have some suspicions

„It‘s the endurance, lads!“
Realistic oddities should be permitted, but this would make me a father at what 13 or 14? Plus I was clearly in the country from 17. It's unrealistic.
Is it almost time for me to make a son? He's going to be a freak
Realistic oddities should be permitted, but this would make me a father at what 13 or 14? Plus I was clearly in the country from 17. It's unrealistic.
Exactly alto is a virgin anyway so we’re already pushing the boundaries of realism
Realistic oddities should be permitted, but this would make me a father at what 13 or 14? Plus I was clearly in the country from 17. It's unrealistic.
Wouldn‘t he have an American nationality if that was the case though? Dodgy.
If you're dead you get to create a new player. If you're 3 years older than you otherwise would be you get to watch your player get worse sooner.
Some of us have been doing that from the creation of the player :lol:
16/17 Season Preview - Part 1
16/17 Season Preview - Part 1

Power Rankings

Four presumed strongest teams, two in each Conference. Let's see if it's actually true!


Team Finances and Strategy





Oklahoma not on the "declining teams" list

The Cub when he realizes Oklahoma City is on the "improving teams" list



SebJr (Heat), Salt Bailly & Pepper Bailly (Kings)

Two Nil (Raptors) - Trading two good players for one good player, basically, but the one player is younger and has higher potential.

sontodevil (Grizzlies)
Wait when did the Nuggets become slightly good. This is the final push it looks like to finally get a ring.
Sonius and Heine partying too hard, clearly.

Rip up their contracts