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Full Member
Sep 1, 2015
The season stuff I can live with that. But in terms of legacy, I should clearly be in pole position now. So make sure you fudge the formula to reflect that.
Nobody cares about your shitty defense.

Well done you spoil the most fun part of the sport and are shit at the most fun part of the sport.
That's why I started changing the original formula in the first place, because I don't think you were even in the top 100 when it cared so much about points and assists :lol:
If anything it should be more weighted to points, assists and hammer.


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
2009 Draft and Free Agency

  1. Tyreke Evans (GF 61/78) to New Orleans Hornets
  2. Jrue Holiday (G 48/80) to New Orleans Hornets
  3. Stephen Curry (PG 59/75) to Miami Heat
  4. James Harden (G 56/75) to New Jersey Nets
  5. Blake Griffin (FC 56/72) to Houston Rockets
  6. Brandon Jennings (PG 57/70) to Atlanta Hawks
  7. Jonny Flynn (PG 55/72) to Utah Jazz
  8. Omri Casspi (F 55/71) to Toronto Raptors
  9. Chase Budinger (SF 53/67) to Detroit Pistons
  10. Marcus Thornton (SG 56/66) to Toronto Raptors
Free Agency

@altodevil has re-signed with the Los Angeles Lakers for $18.61M/yr through 2014
@Samid has left the Golden State Warriors to sign for the San Antonio Spurs for $10.38M/yr through 2014
@hobbers has re-signed with the Charlotte Bobc- just kidding. He has signed with the Boston Celtics for $19.2M/yr through 2014

Free Agency Trades

@The Cat @oneniltothearsenal


@Dr. Dwayne



So we drafted steph curry, who plays in my position. I have a bad feeling about that.


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
Cant believe I have a team mate above 61. Our medical centre doesnt even use leeches.
09/10 Season Preview Part 2


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
09/10 Season Preview Part 2

@BenitoSTARR on the New York Knicks (48-34, 2nd Round)

BenitoSTARR might be disappointed if he ends his career with "only" two rings, having been a superstar on an (almost) automatic playoff team. He keeps winning MVPs too, so he must be doing something right. While he saw a slight decline already this season (with every chance he reverses it next season given he's still only 28), his team might have gotten better. Are they good enough to play with the likes of the altodevil-Lakers, hobbers-Celtics and Durant-Wizards, though?

@sebsheep is on the Miami Heat (27-55)

This is... not a great team. On the other hand, SebJr himself is but a wee bairn, and we've seen what can happen to players whose teams were suddenly too good for good draft picks but too bad to get anywhere. The Seattle boys were only the Seattle boys because Seattle kept being awful and drafting the boys and their teammates.

@Solius and @reelworld on the Orlando Magic (49-33, Conference Finals)

What to make of the Orlando Magic? No, seriously, what should I make of them? They were great, and then they weren't, and then suddenly last season they were possibly an injured Solius from the NBA Final and a shot at the title. Their squad isn't looking too likely to repeat that, though. Paradoxically the younger reelworld is the one who took the biggest step back - a move he'll want to perfect, incidentally, given his new jumping rating of 5. He's not going to dunk on you, is he?

@V.O. and the New Jersey Nets (33-49)

10x All-Star. 8x Assists Leader. 6x All-League. All-Defensive. Scoring Leader. V.O. has had a very successful career by any measure except one: rings. It's not like he's held his teams back or anything, it just hasn't happened for them. He's not too old to make something happen though, and his teammates are all young and pretty good - and getting better. The only problem is the aforementioned superteams, but any team is just an injured hobbers from crashing out of the playoffs.

@Skizzo is on the Indiana Pacers (41-41, 2nd Round)

I wonder if there's a "the best players decline the slowest" thing in the game, because it seems like all our good-but-not-great players are declining before their older superstar friends. It's not over for Skizzo by any means, as he could just as well go +5 next season again, but it probably won't be the most eventful season for his Pacers. Are they good? No. Are they bad? Maybe.

@weetee and the Atlanta Hawks (33-49)

The bad news: LeBron James is declining a bit. The good news: weetee and several other teammates are still improving. The Hawks haven't really done too much the last years despite drafting LeBron, but they're not a bad little team as it stands. Maybe a bit heavy on guards, but other than that pretty good across the board. The challenge is that Tim Thomas is now finally getting old, but that might paradoxically not be so terrible for the future. If he leaves the Hawks suddenly have some money to throw at, say, a Solius. If he stays he'll probably be paid less, and that might mean more money for other decent players.

@hobbers is now on the Boston Celtics (31-51)

Let's be honest, hobbers hasn't had the best of luck so far. Well, unless you consider the fact that he's been the highest rated player in the NBA for a decade now. Some (your Skizzos and your sebsheeps) might say that's not something to whine about. Still, he's mostly been on teams that are good literally only because he's on them. Once or twice he might have had a shot at the championship, but in those cases he's been quite unlucky with injuries. Well I say unlucky, but what teams spend on stuff like coaching and fitness has an impact. Now he's in Boston, who spend money even when they're bad. And he's got a teammate who is above 70 for the first time since... I honestly don't know, maybe ever?

@Salt Bailly and the Detroit Pistons (48-34, 1st Round)

Salt Bailly really is the steady, safe choice of this whole experiment. He's never been bad. He's never been a superstar either, perhaps, but 67 is very good in any case. The only reason he's not sitting on 4 rings (or wearing them on his hand, probably) is that he just hasn't been on the right team yet. Is he on the right team now? In a word: no. The Pistons aren't bad by any means, but two 67 players probably isn't enough to get very far in the playoffs. They did alright last season though, so who knows?


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
He's never made an all-league team and he's 32. What a bum.

Salt Bailly

Auburn, not Ginger.
Apr 23, 2017
Salt Bailly really is the steady, safe choice of this whole experiment. He's never been bad. He's never been a superstar either, perhaps, but 67 is very good in any case. The only reason he's not sitting on 4 rings (or wearing them on his hand, probably) is that he just hasn't been on the right team yet. Is he on the right team now? In a word: no.
09/10 Season Preview Part 3


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
09/10 Season Preview Part 3

@Samid and @Stobzilla on the San Antonio Spurs (52-30, 2nd Round)

The Spurs actually did quite well last season. Their regular season record was very good, and they made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs. The summer has not been nice to them, though. Every single player in the starting 5 has declined, including the 21 year old Stobzilla II. I wouldn't be too worried if I were him, though, since 60 at 21 probably means he's going to be pushing 70 at least. Samid doesn't have that long, though. He's still only 28, mind, so there's no need to panic quite yet. He's also one of those players were his rating hides the fact that he's absolutely going to score a lot of points no matter what.

@The Cat on the Phoenix Suns (43-39, 1st Round)

The Cat is another Cafite who saw a decline over the summer. In his case it might actually be countered by several other Suns players getting better, but they're still not likely to be particularly good. Then again they weren't supposed to be laset season either, and they made the playoffs (as The Cat is wont to do). Who knows, maybe they could do it again?

@oneniltothearsenal and the Sacramento Kings (34-48)

oneniltothearsenal also saw quite the decline, after staying remarkably stable even as he got into his early 30s. Mind you, 69 makes him still a very good player, and he'll still probably be a Triple-Double machine. His biggest challenge is probably just the fact that his team is incredibly poorly balanced. It's not a fantastic sign when you've got 39-rated Delonte West starting.

@Dan is on the Denver Nuggets (37-45)

It's an epidemic. When not even solid, dependable Dan is immune from the march of time, who is safe? Most of the decline is purely physical, which makes sense for a 32-year old. It remains to be seen what effect that will have, but what seems certain is that his Nuggets aren't going to be very good this season.

@P-Nut and the Memphis Grizzlies (2nd Round)

Finally! After all those declining oldeads, we get a young(ish) lad just approaching his prime. P-Nut had a fine run in the playoffs last season, and he's got every reason to hope for a repeat of that this year. His improvements were matched by several of his Grizzlies teammates. Despite that, however, he's not at all happy in Memphis. It's mainly got to do with the small market and mean spending, so they'd have to have a really good season to convince him to re-sign after his contract expires at the end of the season.

@altodevil and the Los Angeles Lakers (67-15, NBA Champions)

altodevil keeps declining physically, marginally, but he also keeps making up for it by getting technically better. It doesn't mean much at this point, but if he starts seeing the 20s in some of those technical skills he might actually start taking more than two shots per game. Still, his dominance is very much reliant on his physique, so it will be interesting to see how this affects the Lakers. They did get marginally worse overall, but it's still a very, very deep team.

@Dr. Dwayne and the Utah Jazz (36-46)

I'm not sure Dr. Dwayne is going to be happy to see his chance at re-signing with the Utah Jazz as high as 7%. The Jazz are in the same spot as a few other teams at this point: not very bad, but probably not good either. A starting 5 all between 58 and 65 rating probably isn't going to cut it. Luckily for Dr. Dwayne he's only got another couple of seasons on his contract, so his championship dreams aren't over quite yet. If he stays in the 60s as he gets older he's still got every chance of ending up on a cheap contract on a very good team.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
Lakers looking weaker. Not a fan of the JR Smith trade. I'm also getting old. All that being said, we still have a chance at a threepeat. But I'm not betting on it. Grizz look scary.

The Cat

Will drink milk from your hands
May 18, 2017
Feet up at home.
What are the rules again to retire gracefully after this season and get a new replacement in?

Don't want to end up in some slumhole like LA.

Great writeups again!


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
My species reproduce by binary fission so how is that going to work when it comes to retirement?


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Those of us stuck on losing teams our careers should get to band together for one final playoff run before we all retire
09/10 25-Game Update


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
09/10 25-Game Update



@Skizzo (IND), @Dan (DET) - Good news Dan! No wait, this is your team getting rid of decent players in return for future picks (and also giving away one pick though??)

@Stobzilla & @Samid (SAS) - I suspect the Spurs aren't trying to be good.

@P-Nut (MEM), @hobbers (BOS) - This seems very even. It does leave Boston without a great Center, but Kobe though?

@V.O. (NJ) - a "win now" move for the Nets

@weetee (ATL) - I guess that means no Solius-level money for Atlanta next season

@Dr. Dwayne (UTA) - simply unhinged behaviour by Oklahoma


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
That OKC trade is bizarre.

Looks like Lakers no longer top dogs. That's fine though. We won our rings, had the best season of all time, and got paid.

The Cat

Will drink milk from your hands
May 18, 2017
Feet up at home.
That OKC trade is bizarre.

Looks like Lakers no longer top dogs. That's fine though. We won our rings, had the best season of all time, and got paid.
You will at the very least remain the most successful for sometime. I have got a taste for the high life and am retiring this season.

Been carried my entire career so thanks chaps it's all coke and hookers for me from here.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
You will at the very least remain the most successful for sometime. I have got a taste for the high life and am retiring this season.

Been carried my entire career so thanks chaps it's all coke and hookers for me from here.
You were both Semi-Finals MVP and Finals MVP in 2006, so I think that one at least was your own doing.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
@weetee (ATL) - I guess that means no Solius-level money for Atlanta next season
Never understood why I get paid that much - decent playmaking aside - they could afford a solius kinda player for that dough. Gotta hang with Lebron and maybe make the playoffs- wohoo.
09/10 Trade Deadline Update


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
09/10 Trade Deadline Update

Oof. That's a lot of red.


@weetee (ATL) - That's a lot of players.

@Salt Bailly (DET > DEN), @Dan (DEN > DET)

@Samid (SAS > CHA), @Stobzilla (SAS) - that's Samid's 9th different team, making him joint 8th in NBA history for most teams. He's only 28, will he retire or go for the record?