Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 17/18 | 30-Game Update - Huge trade! | Wizards are Champions | Basketball GM | Join and become the next Kevin Durant


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
Season Preview coming up later today, and it's interesting how no one is really declining too much, despite you guys getting into your late 20s and even 30s now. There's probably more red than green, but not by that much. We've still got the 4 best players in the league, and more in the top 40-50. I expect the small declines to continue, though ironically that might make you more likely to win stuff. The better you are, the more expensive you are, and the less the AI manages to build around you. If it even tries (FAO: hobbers).

Reminder that you have to be below 60 rating to ask for early retirement. You shouldn't be asking for it before then anyway, as even at 60 you can be a starter for a great team.

Edit: I'll let the game run a week into the season before I take screenshots of the teams, as that sorts out player order better. As a consequence there might be a couple of trades, and one of you might even switch teams.
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07/08 Season Preview (Part 1)


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
07/08 Season Preview Part 1

(@BenitoSTARR @Dan @Dr. Dwayne @P-Nut @Salt Bailly @Samid @Skizzo @Solius @Stobzilla @The Cat @V.O. @altodevil @hobbers @oneniltothearsenal @reelworld @sebsheep @weetee)

Conferences are probably coming tomorrow.

Let's start with this. Is this a new Cafite holy trinity? The last one won a couple of rings. What can this one do?

Power Rankings (the numbers are off because some players are injured, and the numbers reflect that exact moment in time).

A lot of Cafites in the East, and coincidentally the East seems significantly stronger than the West (though the West has the alto-Lakers). The East actually has fully 12 out of the Top 15 teams. We might see a lot of good Cafites on good teams miss the playoffs.

Team Finances and Strategy

Predictions (eagle-eyed readers will notice this gives away some rating developments)



Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
hobbers and I need to team up when our contracts expire. Go somewhere with a ton of cap room.


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
Still improving while stuck in Charlotte shithole. :lol:

2 more seasons.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Still improving while stuck in Charlotte shithole. :lol:

2 more seasons.
It‘ll be that more epic if you eventually win the title with the Bobcats. Commissioner @nimic will probably rig it that way anyway.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2015
It‘ll be that more epic if you eventually win the title with the Bobcats. Commissioner @nimic will probably rig it that way anyway.
I think it would be more interesting to see him unfulfilled and see if his offspring can atone for the sins of the father.

Season 2: The Hoblet of Fire
07/08 Season Preview (Part 2)


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
07/08 Season Preview Part 2 - West

@altodevil on the Los Angeles Lakers (61-21, Conference Finals)

altodevil didn't change much since last season, but his Lakers got quite a bit better. This is certainly a good enough to squad to win the title, though he will have some very strong teams in the East to contend with (if he can get past The Cat's Minnesota Timberwolves this time).

@The Cat on the Minnesota Timberwolves (51-31, Runner-up)

Speaking of The Cat and the Minnesota Timberwolves... they're still here! They're still not an incredible team, but they weren't when they won the championship or when they got to the NBA Finals either. They have a borderline superstar in Monta Ellis now, and a lot of quite good players. Is it another finals run? The West isn't very strong, but they will have to beat an even stronger Lakers again to do it.

@P-Nut on the Memphis Grizzlies (42-40, 1st Round)

P-Nut is the second youngest Cafite, so he's still getting better and better. The Grizzlies definitely have the chance to get further than the 1st round in the playoffs, but it's hard to say how good they really are. Ideally those mid-high 50s would be low 60s instead. Right now it might just be a bit too much on P-Nut to make anything happen.

@Salt Bailly on the Denver Nuggets (48-34, 2nd Round)

It's no longer quite the same Denver Nuggets that Salt Bailly led to the 2nd round of the playoffs last season. There are clear signs that they are more interested in building for the future than actually winning right now.

@Stobzilla II on the San Antonio Spurs (33-49)

Stobzilla II is improving, as one would expect of a this young Cafite. Luckily (?) he's also on a team with a weak enough starting 5 that he is easily going to get lots of minutes. The Spurs haven't been good since hobbers left, and even in a weak West there's no way a starting 5 exclusively consisting of 50s is going to make the playoffs. Stobzilla II has a lot of time, though.

@Skizzo on the Seattle Supersonics (37-45, 1st Round)

Skizzo had a difficult summer, taking a small step back in every attribute. He's still a pretty good player, and certainly not too old to get even better. It's a bit worrying that at 61 rating he's the best player on the Supersonics, though. I guess that's what happens when you replace literally your entire squad in one season. I don't think it's necessary to point out that Seattle aren't playing to win this season. Skizzo has a long enough contract that he might just be there to see them slowly get good again, like they did when the Solius, The Cat and weetee took them to two championships.

East coming later today.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
What a fall from grace for Seattle. Totally botched dynasty.
07/08 Season Preview (Part 3)


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
07/08 Season Preview Part 3 - East

@BenitoSTARR, @Dan & @sebsheep on the New York Knicks (54-28, Conference Final)

How will the new Cafite trio manage? Expectations are high, but they may have to be tempered with the knowledge that the Knicks leadership apparently considers their team to be "rebuilding" this season. On the face of it there don't seem to be too many reasons why they would do any worse than last season, so what gives? We'll have to wait and see if the strategy has any tangible consequences.

@hobbers and the (good???) Charlotte Bobcats (42-40, 1st Round)

hobbers has been very, very slowly declining the last couple of years, but 1) that only took him to "still best player in the world", and 2) he seems to be trying to reverse it. Surprisingly the rest of the Charlotte Bobcats seem to have gone along for the ride. There are no huge changes (except maybe the signing of the pretty good Sebastian Telfair), but somehow the team just seems... better. It's possible for an 89 rating player to take a decent team to the finals, where anything can happen. He'll just have to take on a historically strong Eastern Conference to do it, and then probably deal with a very strong Lakers. Is it possible? Maybe.

@V.O. is on the New Jersey Nets (42-40)

V.O. cursed himself for ending up on the New Jersey Nets, but they aren't terrible this season, are they? V.O. is their superstar, and they've got a very solid group after him. Mind you, the members of that group are nearly universally on the last year of their contract, so it might be now or never. The Nets are also "rebuilding", mind.

@Samid is on the Cleveland Cavaliers (25-57)

A very minor decline for Samid this off-season, but it's unlikely to matter at all. His Cavaliers aren't half bad. They aren't half good either. They're just... half? It's like a very solid core to build around a superstar, except they forgot to get the superstar. Samid has two years left on his contract, but then that's never stopped him from moving teams before.

@weetee on the Atlanta Hawks (37-45)

Just looking at their squad, the Atlanta Hakws should be good. weetee forms part of a starting five that seems to have two great players, one very good player and two good-enough (?) players. He's also locked into several years left together with Tim Thomas and LeBron James, though the potential worry could be that those three combined take up a very (un)healthy part of the Atlanta salary cap.

@Dr. Dwayne on the Indiana Pacers (37-45)

Dr. Dwayne is on another one of those "superstar support staff sans superstar" squads. 67 isn't too far off, but the worry is that he'll have to do a lot of the heavy lifting on his own. He's getting too old for this shit.

@Solius & @reelworld on the Orlando Magic (44-38, 2nd Round)

"nimic", I hear you asking, "why did you decide to arbitrarily include so many bad players in the screenshot for the Magic? The answer is that there's nothing arbitrary about it; it's just the squad. The whole squad. All of it. You don't need to scroll up to the Finances screenshot to identify that the Orlando Magic are in "rebuilding" mode, they just forgot the building part of it. As a consequence, Solius and reelworld have to share the court with some very bad players. It probably doesn't help that the 4 best players on the team - the only 4 players above 42 in rating - are Guards.

Good luck.

@oneniltothearsenal and the Miami Heat (31-51)

oneniltothearsenal wished to be delivered from the dire Seattle Supersonics, and his wish was granted. He's now back on the dire Miami Heat. I think it's worth remembering that he's still among the better players in the league, and has quietly been collecting stats and awards all these years, including a lot of Double Doubles and Quadruple Doubles. Just not a lot of wins. Will that change this year, maybe?

No, it will not.
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something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
@hobbers and the (good???) Charlotte Bobcats (42-40, 1st Round)

hobbers has been very, very slowly declining the last couple of years, but 1) that only took him to "still best player in the world", and 2) he seems to be trying to reverse it. Surprisingly the rest of the Charlotte Bobcats seem to have gone along for the ride. There are no huge changes (except maybe the signing of the pretty good Sebastian Telfair), but somehow the team just seems... better. It's possible for an 89 rating player to take a decent team to the finals, where anything can happen. He'll just have to take on a historically strong Eastern Conference to do it, and then probably deal with a very strong Lakers. Is it possible? Maybe.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Charlotte, so bad it had to be posted twice.

Also, 666 - no wonder then.


Last Man Standing finalist 2019/20
Jan 12, 2019
@V.O. is on the New Jersey Nets (42-40)

V.O. cursed himself for ending up on the New Jersey Nets, but they aren't terrible this season, are they? V.O. is their superstar, and they've got a very solid group after him. Mind you, the members of that group are nearly universally on the last year of their contract, so it might be now or never. The Nets are also "rebuilding", mind.
So much potential up and down the squad... and most of them are probably fecking off at the end of the season. Typical. :lol:
07/08 - 25 Game Update


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
07/08 25-Game Update

MOV = average margin of victory

Some trades!

@Dan, @BenitoSTARR, @sebsheep - and then there were two! I'll be honest, I don't think this made the Knicks any better. This might be what "rebuilding" looks like.

I guess they really wanted Jordan Farmar. He's 8 years younger than old-man-Dan, to be fair. There go two other decent players, though.

Here's Dan's new team, the Milwaukee Bucks - not half bad.

@Skizzo - these seem like very aggressive moves for a team that is bad and I assume wanted to stay like that.

@Stobzilla - this is a very not big deal, I just included it because it's funny how lowly they valued that perfectly okay player.


Odds winner of 'Odds or Evens 2023/2024'
Oct 16, 2013
I just win, it's what I do. Praying for an injury-free season.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
When‘s LeBron stepping up!?

Update please!


Correctly predicted Italy to win Euro 2020
Jun 1, 2014
Hope the team can still carry me to a ring(?)


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
Please let me have been hit by a bus so Hob Jr can start avenging his pops.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
Anyone with 3 rings yet? Just wondering.
You lost two finals on top as well, right? Not sure if you‘ve been with sol and me already at the first one, only one alto ever won, or not.


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
I just win, it's what I do. Praying for an injury-free season.
Anyone with 3 rings yet? Just wondering.
You lost two finals on top as well, right? Not sure if you‘ve been with sol and me that first one, only one alto ever won, or not.
This is precisely what I was hoping for when I started this :lol:

What I couldn't predict was the single best player in the world going "I wish I could be Stobzilla".


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
This is precisely what I was hoping for when I started this :lol:

What I couldn't predict was the single best player in the world going "I wish I could be Stobzilla".
Was thinking about suicide before but man'd up - and am chilling with LeBron (a bit too much) now.

Curious, would it be technically possible with this game, that participants/we have some kind of draft system so have x teams running against each other, maybe all in one conference even, duking it out? So no new players created but new team(roosters)? Maybe excluding the 1-3 elite players for draft.

*by „x teams“ I mean x teams managed/set up by us players.

Will pop you in my man-bag
He's a happy hammer now.
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something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
Curious, would it be technically possible with this game, that participants/we have some kind of draft system so have x teams running against each other, maybe all in one conference even, duking it out? So no new players created but new team(roosters)? Maybe excluding the 1-3 elite players for draft.
I'm not 100% sure what you mean here, so it's hard to say. With God Mode I can do a lot. I could easily have done a team experiment instead of a player one, and I was considering it. I even toyed with the idea of having an actual draft (as in you guys pick your players), but not sure how that would even work logistically.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2021
no-one in particular
I'm not 100% sure what you mean here, so it's hard to say. With God Mode I can do a lot. I could easily have done a team experiment instead of a player one, and I was considering it. I even toyed with the idea of having an actual draft (as in you guys pick your players), but not sure how that would even work logistically.
Would be a different game with this simulator. Say we have 10 players from redcafe: could we take the i.e. 1996 campaign as a basis and each player could form their own squad, say everybody has 350 (dunno, number pulled off my ass) skill points (overall points, not potential) to spend and PM you/gamegod their selected roster. Then those 10 teams (would be edited NBA franchises) play that ai-simulated campaign - downside is there would be lots of cloned Jordans and what not but maybe that's still fun or - that's what I thought about at first - a kind of drafting system, bit like the fantasy football one here, where we'd pick players one after each other. but maybe that's too much micro managing.

No idea if that'd be fun. It would be over much quicker too.
07/08 Trade Deadline Update


something nice
Aug 2, 2006
And I'm all out of bubblegum 9️⃣
Since you guys are so chatty today I feel like you deserve another update, so:

07/08 Trade Deadline Update

Pretty clear what the Conference power balance is here. The 9th seed in the East, the Atlanta Hawks, has as many wins as the 3rd seed in the West (though one more loss). @altodevil and the Lakers have slowed down a bit, but 46-5 is still a formidable record, so it's possible they're still the team to beat despite being in the West. In the East the Bulls are predictably #1, but they're only 4 wins ahead of Milwaukee in 7th. Also a nice 21 losing streak for Boston.

We have a few trades. Let's start with a big one.

@Salt Bailly has moved from Denver to Detroit. Quite an upgrade, judging by the standings.

@Dr. Dwayne's Pacers don't seem to be too bothered about things like winning. At least not winning now.

@weetee & @oneniltothearsenal - seems like a quite even trade.

@Stobzilla & @Samid - I don't know what the hell this is about. I think this is a case of two teams going "I think you will be worse than me".