Gaming The RedCafe NBA Simulation 34/35 | 1st Round of Playoffs | This will never end (FALSE) | BasketballGM

must have been in brilliant form to make the playoffs
Look on the bright side, at least having the worst record in the league means your team has a good shot at a good pick in the upcoming draft...

... is what I would have said hadn't Denver traded their 2010 pick to Toronto in 2006 for Smush Parker. Toronto traded it to Orlando last season.
Paul George to the Magic would make them competitive.
Look on the bright side
Paul George to the Magic would make them competitive.

Solius' contract is expiring, and I don't think he's sticking around :lol:

Also the way the "real players" draft works is that their initial rating is based on their rookie season (another way of doing it is purely by draft pick number, but that would be much worse). I guess Paul George was a late(r) bloomer, because he's not the highest rated. Here's the current expected top 15:


There's also a "real player determinism" slider that goes from 0-100, where 0 is completely disconnected from their real life development and 100 is completely. I've got it set to 0 right now, so anything can happen. So right now Josh Smith and Josh Childress are the 2nd and 3rd best real players in the league, behind Kevin Durant and head of Carmelo Anthony.

Oh btw, Kevin Durant's contract is also expiring, but he'll almost certainly re-sign (and probably add $15 million extra to the Wizards' payroll).
Solius' contract is expiring, and I don't think he's sticking around :lol:

Also the way the "real players" draft works is that their initial rating is based on their rookie season (another way of doing it is purely by draft pick number, but that would be much worse). I guess Paul George was a late(r) bloomer, because he's not the highest rated. Here's the current expected top 15:


There's also a "real player determinism" slider that goes from 0-100, where 0 is completely disconnected from their real life development and 100 is completely. I've got it set to 0 right now, so anything can happen. So right now Josh Smith and Josh Childress are the 2nd and 3rd best real players in the league, behind Kevin Durant and head of Carmelo Anthony.

Oh btw, Kevin Durant's contract is also expiring, but he'll almost certainly re-sign (and probably add $15 million extra to the Wizards' payroll).
Who is The Cub?
Solius' contract is expiring, and I don't think he's sticking around :lol:

Also the way the "real players" draft works is that their initial rating is based on their rookie season (another way of doing it is purely by draft pick number, but that would be much worse). I guess Paul George was a late(r) bloomer, because he's not the highest rated. Here's the current expected top 15:


There's also a "real player determinism" slider that goes from 0-100, where 0 is completely disconnected from their real life development and 100 is completely. I've got it set to 0 right now, so anything can happen. So right now Josh Smith and Josh Childress are the 2nd and 3rd best real players in the league, behind Kevin Durant and head of Carmelo Anthony.

Oh btw, Kevin Durant's contract is also expiring, but he'll almost certainly re-sign (and probably add $15 million extra to the Wizards' payroll).
Ok that's more interesting though. Did wonder why LeBron sucked. John Wall a good prize still though.
Love how I'm going to get knocked out first round by the Bulls again
Almost had a heart attack seeing we were playing Los Angeles without taking a second to think
@nimic seeing as my rating is pretty low compared to other caf players, is it possible for it to increase? All I've seen so far is my rating keeps going down. If not, then I think it's best to retire early and create another player
09/10 Playoffs - 1st Round
09/10 Playoffs - 1st Round

@altodevil @Stobzilla @P-Nut @V.O. @hobbers @BenitoSTARR @weetee


Lakers 103-64 San Antonio | altodevil: 7/14/2 | Stobzilla II: 6/7/1
Memphis 84-81 Clippers | P-Nut:19/1/9
New Jersey 100-96 Philadelphia | V.O.: 15/1/11
Chicago 109-110 Boston | hobbers: 27/3/9
New York 107-88 Atlanta | BenitoSTARR: 24/11/10 | weetee: 8/1/7


Lakers 103-72 San Antonio | altodevil: 2/26/3 | Stobzilla II: 12/6/2
Memphis 116-92 Clippers | P-Nut: 22/3/17
New Jersey 113-105 Philadelphia | V.O.: 22/1/19
Chicago 96-94 Boston | hobbers: 24/9/11
New York 108-75 Atlanta | BenitoSTARR: 14/5/8 | weetee: 5/2/7


Lakers 92-68 San Antonio | altodevil: 6/27/3 | Stobzilla II: 13/10/1
Memphis 91-110 Clippers | P-Nut: 23/1/12
New Jersey 105-97 Philadelphia | V.O.: 18/3/12
Chicago 126-122 Boston | hobbers: 32/11/17
New York 113-103 Atlanta | BenitoSTARR: 29/5/9 | weetee: 8/1/13


Lakers 89-64 San Antonio | altodevil: 13/27/0 | Stobzilla II: 12/15/0
Memphis 104-86 Clippers | P-Nut: 32/1/10
New Jersey 113-105 Philadelphia | V.O.: 27/0/18
Chicago 91-108 Boston | hobbers: 39/9/11
New York 84-105 Atlanta | BenitoSTARR: 22/9/14 | weetee: 13/0/9


Memphis 100-107 Clippers | P-Nut: 14/1/21
Chicago 102-95 Boston | hobbers: 27/10/12
New York 116-94 Atlanta | BenitoSTARR: 41/9/6 | weetee: 12/1/9

weetee's teammate:


Memphis 107-117 Clippers | P-Nut: 35/1/13
Chicago 112-103 Boston | hobbers: 14/8/16


Memphis 109-93 Clippers | P-Nut: 28/0/18

Oh btw, for anyone who is thinking of retiring and reincarnating: if you leave the position to Auto, it will pick what the game thinks is the most appropriate position for your ratings, and it can also change.
Oh btw, for anyone who is thinking of retiring and reincarnating: if you leave the position to Auto, it will pick what the game thinks is the most appropriate position for your ratings, and it can also change.
2 seasons too late!
At least not a sweep - seems like I become more humble the older I am. Or lazy because of money 'n fame.

On the brink of rooting for Hobbers playing a final at least once - not quite there yet though.
09/10 Playoffs - 2nd Round
09/10 Playoffs - 2nd Round

No Cafite v Cafite match-ups this round, but we could be setting ourselves up for a very interesting Conference Finals - or a sad one.

@altodevil @P-Nut @V.O. @BenitoSTARR


Los Angeles 119-100 Portland | altodevil: 8/19/1
Dallas 124-118 Memphis | P-Nut: 25/0/7
Washington 122-125 New Jersey | V.O.: 19/3/18
New York - Chicago 112-118 | BenitoSTARR: 35/6/8


Los Angeles 104-95 Portland | altodevil: 6/17/3
Dallas 119-123 Memphis | P-Nut: 32/1/20
Washington 120-94 New Jersey | V.O.: 26/1/8
New York: 98-90 Chicago | BenitoSTARR: 19/8/15

P-Nut's teammate:


Los Angeles 113-101 Portland | altodevil: 0/24/3
Dallas 119-94 Memphis | P-Nut: 24/2/7
Washington 117-92 New Jersey | V.O.: 15/0/5
New York 104-102 Chicago | BenitoSTARR: 30/11/8


Los Angeles 97-104 Portland | altodevil: 3/19/2
Dallas 97-98 Memphis | P-Nut: 25/1/10
Washington 98-84 New Jersey | V.O.: 16/2/9
New York 113-121 Chicago | BenitoSTARR: 22/6/11


Los Angeles 110-119 Portland | altodevil: 15/17/2
Dallas 114-100 Memphis | P-Nut: 32/2/14
Washington 124-99 New Jersey | V.O.: 11/1/8 (injured)
New York 106-108 Chicago | BenitoSTARR: 17/4/8 (injured)




Los Angeles 102-103 Portland | altodevil: 3/32/3
Dallas 97-106 Memphis | P-Nut: 30/3/9
New York 100-112 Chicago | BenitoSTARR: 29/9/7


Los Angeles 106-86 Portland | altodevil: 6/19/1
Dallas 105-107 Memphis | P-Nut: 44/2/6 (24/24 free throws!)

nimic cycling through 14 million simulations of these playoffs to find one in which the Lakers leave without a ring (there isn't one)

09/10 Playoffs - Conference Finals
09/10 Playoffs - Conference Finals

It's a Cafite playoff! Who will get to face the winner of the Washington Wizards or the Chicago Bulls?

@altodevil @P-Nut


Los Angeles 108-95 Memphis | altodevil: 4/25/0 | P-Nut: 19/1/13


Los Angeles 102-88 Memphis | altodevil: 2/11/0 (injured) | P-Nut: 24/0/10



Los Angeles 118-108 Memphis | altodevil: 3/20/1 (playing injured) | P-Nut: 27/1/15


Los Angeles 112-102 Memphis | altodevil: 6/25/3 (playing injured) | P-Nut: 38/3/10

P-Nut: 35.1 GameScore
12 other players who got playing time for the Grizzlies combined: 42.8 GameScore




This will be the first time since 2004 that altodevil faces a team with a better regular season record in the playoffs! The last time it happened was against the hobbers San Antonio Spurs, and altodevil got swept 4-0. Will he do better?