the Recommend Me Music thread


Full Member
May 23, 2008
Attacking Midfield
I've decided that I'm not interesting enough when it comes to music. I'm just not really arsed by it unless I'm drinking. It's not that I don't like it, but it tends to distract me, get boring, or become a hassle to search and listen to.

Things change though, and I've decided to make a conscious effort to listen to music, with your help.

I'm not even too sure what I'm looking for, probably a variety of styles so I can find something from there. I'm not looking for heavy/rap/gangsta/modern club-styles tunes or dubstep (hear enough of them around here...), but something I can listen to in my room, whether it be on in the background while working or actively listening to.

Maybe artists I probably haven't heard of that you could recommend, or some albums from the past? Anything really that a normal person could like.
It's all personal and a matter of taste, but the last three bands/artists to really grab me were;

The xx



Woah, coincidental that you suggest The xx. A mate told me about them the other day and actually kicked off this phase.

Thanks, I'll have a listen to the others.
Woah, coincidental that you suggest The xx. A mate told me about them the other day and actually kicked off this phase.

Thanks, I'll have a listen to the others.

The other two are very different, but seriously, The xx was one of my favourite albums last year - I've been introducing anyone I can to them, well worth a listen.

A couple more in a very different vein (I love my music);

The Knife

Nero's Day At Disneyland

(I love this guy - but can see that he may not be everyone's cup of tea.... alright I've not yet found anyone else who likes him but what the hell)
The glee soundtracks are what you are dying out for.
Keep up the good work lads. I'm listening to everything posted, takes me a couple of listens to "get" some music though, so I'm giving myself time to adjust. Some enjoyable stuff so far.

The glee soundtracks are what you are dying out for.
Erm. No thanks.