Television The Propgropthrop

Del Rio's still face so I doubt he will, maybe Henry will himself?
Henry is the natural get out, he can bury anyone on the roster pretty much and you it's reasonable, such is his character. Maybe have a Shield involvement in some way, what with Roman being Samoan and the xenophobic character.

There's too long to go before Mania to wait to bin him as this is out in the public domain, and he's no massive draw. They'll write a way out, Henry is of course the natural replacement.
I never saw Swagger winning the title, so it shouldn't be a huge deal. Ziggler can still cash in regardless of who faces Del Rio.
He gets the biggest push of his career and then does this. What an idiot!
Although Swagger has been annoying me, that was his job. So he was doing his job well.

I have mixed feelings towards it. I don't feel as though he deserved such a push so quickly, but then again he was doing well.

I guess when it comes down to it, Jack's done this to himself. WWE has given him a huge platform and he's personally fecked it up.
:lol: What a fecking tit. He should be out of the title due to being an idiot... as well as those other offences.

Personally, I would have Jericho win a no.1 contenders match (set-up in some bullshit manner) and have Dolph cash in on Del Rio before Mania.
At least Van Dam had the sense to win the title first!

I feel sorry for Dutch Mantel... best role he's had in years and the other guy fecks it up!
A few, interesting, developments today.

First up, Swagger, it's being reported by several sites, that this isn't the first time, this is just reports but worth mentioning, it's apparently cost him pushes in the past, as well as costing him a fair bit in fines (just the pot smoking).

Second, and a bit of a shock, The Rock is working Extreme Rules. Throws a bit of mystery in that Mania was missing, although I'd still back Cena to win that.
Interesting quote from one of WWE's former head writers :-

Former WWE writer Andrew Goldstein tweeted the following about Jack Swagger's arreste and whether he thinks it will result in Vince McMahon dropping Swagger's World Heavyweight title program with Alberto Del Rio leading up to WrestleMania 29:

"No DUI was gonna get in the way of what's clearly a pet project of Team VKM. Rock barely getting them any Buzz for Mania. This story is."



Pictures from a house show. Some of you may find them interesting, I dunno.
Smart move on WWE's part in a way. Why waste time and money creating video montages etc. to promote his return when you can work him at a house show and know the IWC will do the rest of the work for you. RAW ratings should be higher than usual this week.
Anybody know where i can watch last weeks raw? tried youtube but they all seem fakes.
What the feck is that from?

Girl with the dragon tattoo I think.

Someone needs to have a sit down with Cena and just be like, "The hurricanrana...stop that shit"
I thought the hurricarana was brilliant. It might not have been the most perfectly executed one you'll ever see but it was still impressive.
They gave away Undertaker's comeback by showing a youtube clip of him coming out at some house show via a video recorded on someone's mobile phone.

Do they keep sacking their writers every time they find someone slightly more dumb than the last one?
Apparently vince is fuming about the piledriver but no action will be taken

I imagine Cena/Punk would happily pay any fine. That kind of move is dangerous, but once in a blue moon it really makes a match feel huge, and it did that on RAW.

Fantastic match, by the way, I'd be surprised if anything at Wrestlemania is that good.

HHH pissed himself :lol:

That's a years worth of cum. He's had blue balls ever since Brock arrived. He wants to job Brock out so bad. He should have waited to bust his nut at WrestleMania but sometimes when you get really over sexed you can't help but prematurely ejaculate. HHH likely started playing with himself backstage, saying "I'll just touch myself for a few seconds and then stop." But we all know what happens. With his eyes closed he saw Brock laying on his back, KO'ed by the King of Kings, the Cerebral Assassin, The Game on the Grandest Stage of Them All. It was now a full on wank session. Frankly instead of making fun of the big wet spot on his pants we should be thankful he was able to get his cock back into his pants before coming out on stage.

Can't decide if I'm immature for finding this funny. Most likely. Afterall I'm posting on an internet forum about wrestling