Television The Propgropthrop

Aew does a lot of great things, but some of the things I don't like:

-randon nxt (or lower WWE) guys coming and just being there. Nothing against people like tony neese and people on his level, but aew don't really need guys like him taking TV time away from guys like the acclaimed (or time that could be used for promos/vid packages for guys like Darby, Starks (though glad he got to talk this week), Pillman jr, yuta...)
-devastating moves just as transition moves or just another move. Especially pile-drivers, it's not even a shock somebody kicks out now cos it's now just used all the time
-blood (as above, it happens so much that it takes away the affect)
-gimmick matches (basically like above)
-promos in general (it's lacking something and noticeable with punk, omega, Cody, mjf not being there)
-too many titles

Saying that there's so much good stuff. And agreed with @CassiusClaymore - Starks is fantastic. I can see him smashing danhausen and possibly leading to him Vs hook?

Also agreed @Ekeke - that Dax promo was great. ftr are fantastic

Hard to disagree with a lot of that list, especially the use of blood... Its so overdone there is almost zero impact now when someone bleeds.

I know yesterdays main event was a bit of a mess, but can anyone really say the blood made them more invested in the match in any way?
Hard to disagree with a lot of that list, especially the use of blood... Its so overdone there is almost zero impact now when someone bleeds.

I know yesterdays main event was a bit of a mess, but can anyone really say the blood made them more invested in the match in any way?

I mean they were gonna get cuts anyway weren't they so I really don't understand the very obvious blading in the match. Jericho seems to be going through some kind of mid life crisis and maybe Tony Khan is indulging him.
AEW does have far too many belts, and it is only made worse with all of the RoH belts, why RoH gets on AEW TV I have no idea, they shouldn't be on it, as it just adds to the confusion.

Soo many belts, and with Mox farcically holding a fake title, and people pretending thst it means something when it doesn't.

They need to desperately cut down on the titles and not add to them, as the more people that have titles, the less that they collectively mean in importance wise.
AEW does have far too many belts, and it is only made worse with all of the RoH belts, why RoH gets on AEW TV I have no idea, they shouldn't be on it, as it just adds to the confusion.

Soo many belts, and with Mox farcically holding a fake title, and people pretending thst it means something when it doesn't.

They need to desperately cut down on the titles and not add to them, as the more people that have titles, the less that they collectively mean in importance wise.

Really? No idea? You have no idea why ROH might appear on AEW?
Jericho beating Kingston was a real buzzkill. They did a similar pattern between MJF v Jericho. Doesn’t really feel like Kingston got his revenge. Are they gonna go again?

If they wanted to tell the story of Claudio stealing Kingston’s shine, but still letting Eddie look good whilst protecting Jericho, they should have had Jericho tap at Blood and Guts, but the ref miss it whilst Claudio was tapping out someone else. Nobody benefitted from this Barbed Wire match, even if the stuff before the interference was good. Both Jericho and Kingston feel cooler than a month ago.

Meanwhile, Best Friends vs Blackpool Combat Club ruled though. Great match and great story. Was always indifferent to Dean Ambrose, but Moxley when he’s not doing junk gimmick matches rules.

FTR’s promo has pushed me a long way to ordering Death Before Dishonor. Everything they touch turns to gold right now. “I’m gonna fight like an eight-year-old girl!”
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Hard to disagree with a lot of that list, especially the use of blood... Its so overdone there is almost zero impact now when someone bleeds.

I know yesterdays main event was a bit of a mess, but can anyone really say the blood made them more invested in the match in any way?
Id go with the whole less is more mantra. I think a few of these gimmick matches would be best served for a PPV.

I do think AEW gets a lot right, in terms of trying to make matches mean something, building younger stars, etc
I dont think theyve fully capitalised on certain things (especially after debuts).
Wardlow they have been on / off with him since MJF went. Hes won the title but had some pointless stuff too (like that 20 on 1 match).

I think cesaro will be just another guy and then win something down the line (like Keith Lee). But i think they bloat the roster with guys who arent really guys they should be focusing on.

Dont think they fully took advantage of the period where Punk debuted, then Bryan and Cole joined.
Jericho beating Kingston was a real buzzkill. They did a similar pattern between MJF v Jericho. Doesn’t really feel like Kingston got his revenge. Are they gonna go again?

If they wanted to tell the story of Claudio stealing Kingston’s shine, but still letting Eddie look good whilst protecting Jericho, they should have had Jericho tap at Blood and Guts, but the ref miss it whilst Claudio was tapping out someone else. Nobody benefitted from this Barbed Wire match, even if the stuff before the interference was good. Both Jericho and Kingston feel cooler than a month ago.

Meanwhile, Best Friends vs Blackpool Combat Club ruled though. Great match and great story. Was always indifferent to Dean Ambrose, but Moxley when he’s not doing junk gimmick matches rules.

FTR’s promo has pushed me a long way to ordering Death Before Dishonor. Everything they touch turns to gold right now. “I’m gonna fight like an eight-year-old girl!”

Totally agreed about the bolded, and it's a shame as I could see it coming a mile off.

Kingston seems to get the Bray Wyatt treatment - he's able to talk up a feud so well he loses a disproportionate number of them. When they finally had him "win the big one" against Jericho it seemed to mark a turning point, but all the good from that win has been undone by this loss.
Kingston seems to get the Bray Wyatt treatment - he's able to talk up a feud so well he loses a disproportionate number of them. When they finally had him "win the big one" against Jericho it seemed to mark a turning point, but all the good from that win has been undone by this loss.
Agree, and that seems to the consensus online too. AEW is generally good at course correcting though, so let’s see what they do here.
Is there any reason given for Hangman’s treatment since losing the title? Is his contract up soon or anything?
Is there any reason given for Hangman’s treatment since losing the title? Is his contract up soon or anything?
Yeah it's weird. He won some matches but has had no direction except saving dark order?
Yeah it's weird. He won some matches but has had no direction except saving dark order?

Dark is irrelevant/pointless, it is like if when Drew lost the main title, he suddenly started on Main Event.

This is the issue with having such a bloated roster, and only 3 hours of TV, (as hardly anyone is watching Rampage these days, and naff all happens on it anyway) people will get forgotten about a heck of a lot.
Is there any reason given for Hangman’s treatment since losing the title? Is his contract up soon or anything?
Yeah it's weird. He won some matches but has had no direction except saving dark order?

He was challenging for the New Japan title a few weeks ago, so it's not like he's been thrown under the bus.

The dark order stuff has been for a couple of weeks, and it's probably going somewhere. If it's the same story in a month or so then you'll have a point, but right now this criticism is, as usual, really premature.
Dude casually retires on twitter..... not even breaking on or anything first :lol:

How good we had it
If he's retiring its because more horrible stuff about him is about to come out. Latest so far was Paul Roma saying that Vince would proposition Ashley Massaro on plane rides, and Kevin Dunn would insist that she needs to fly on the jet with Vince

Remember this is the WWE diva who reported to WWE management that she was raped by one of the troops at a tribute to the troops show/location and they told her to keep quiet. She died from suicide a couple of years ago... If theres more to that story or they are connected, that could be the news thats about to come out in more detail.

Anyway, I'm glad he's going. I really hope WWE tv has better wrestling showcased now and less of the people who look like they have been at a wrestling school for less than a month
Something you know that you wish to share??!

Think its more that WWE (and this stuff that was going on behind the scenes) was his life. Whys he working out throughout the night and rarely sleeping etc. He is what he is, he was doing what he was doing and clearly loved it and thats why he worked so hard at it. Now its gone it wouldnt be too surprising
So to recap, Triple H is back, Vince is gone, and Lesnar just reportedly walked out of smackdown.

Not actually watched any wrestling in weeks but smackdown is suddenly a must watch.

Doesn't look like hes heading up creative (not sure why people thought that was even an option, he's not going to take direction from anyone)
I just can't see him not having any influence whatsoever. Maybe not in an official capacity if a load more shit is about to come out but if his minions are still about producing Vince branded sports entertainment, does he really need to be in meetings ripping up the script 3 hours before a show? He's still a controlling stakeholder.
So to recap, Triple H is back, Vince is gone, and Lesnar just reportedly walked out of smackdown.

Not actually watched any wrestling in weeks but smackdown is suddenly a must watch.

I got tickets to Cardiff it was bad enough with Cody getting injured but if Broc isn’t there either…not sure what sort of main event will be on.

I do wonder if some further bad shit is about to break with all this happening within an hour.
I just can't see him not having any influence whatsoever. Maybe not in an official capacity if a load more shit is about to come out but if his minions are still about producing Vince branded sports entertainment, does he really need to be in meetings ripping up the script 3 hours before a show? He's still a controlling stakeholder.
He'll have as much influence as any majority stakeholder would. Which is still influential, but I imagine in more of a financial setting rather than anything creative or business decisions.

For example, I wouldn't be shocked if hunter has already been on the burner to Sasha.
Insane really. Easily one of the biggest legends to ever grace the business and one of the greatest to ever do it no matter what he’s done outside of the business.
So much shit has happened in wrestling in the last few months
Soon on Dynamite new stable "The Walkout"

Sasha, Naomi and Brock Lesnar challenge The Undisputed Elite

To be honest I'm hyped for Smackdown in 30 mins, even though realistically theres not much chance of big changes happening right away. Maybe next week
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