Television The Propgropthrop

I think given who their champion is, AEW should avoid direct UFC comparisons..

Interim belts are a bad idea IMO. Loads on here have already provided better ideas. All the interim belt does is protect Punk and waste everyone else’s time. It mad add ‘realism’ but who the feck is watching wrestling and looking for realism ?
There isn’t realism when an interim belt means there’s around 17 belts on show in 4 hours of tv per week
It's all well and good mimicking ufc for realism in terms of the interim belt, but then ufc wouldn't have a mini tournament to decide a new champion and then for no reason give a random person a by to the final. They would just have the two next highest ranked people fight each other.

AEW can't decide what lane it is in sometimes.
Am I the only one (unaware of the real contract situation) who thinks this is tailor made for MJF to win the title, and then refuse to accept the unification match whenever Punk returns?
It's all well and good mimicking ufc for realism in terms of the interim belt, but then ufc wouldn't have a mini tournament to decide a new champion and then for no reason give a random person a by to the final. They would just have the two next highest ranked people fight each other.

AEW can't decide what lane it is in sometimes.

Moxley is the highest ranked competitor. That's why he has an advantage over others.
Moxley is the highest ranked competitor. That's why he has an advantage over others.
He jumped 3 places after beating Garcia last week on the same show when the real number 1 contender also won.
It doesn’t make any sense.
I’m lost as to why Hangman isn’t up there. It’s not as if when a UFC fighter loses he drops out of the rankings. It’s unnecessary
Moxley is the highest ranked competitor. That's why he has an advantage over others.

Also former champ. Something else that gets taken into account in UFC

But yes its not "We're UFC" its "We're adding this 1 element from UFC to our pro wrestling to make it seem slightly more realistic"

Same as rankings and the weigh ins they did before. They arent actually trying to convince you they are UFC. Just more like it than some other big pro wrestling companies
He jumped 3 places after beating Garcia last week on the same show when the real number 1 contender also won.
It doesn’t make any sense.
I’m lost as to why Hangman isn’t up there. It’s not as if when a UFC fighter loses he drops out of the rankings. It’s unnecessary

He won against Garcia in a main event match while Wardlow had a 1 min squash match against JD Drake

Hangman is 3rd...

For the record I'm not that into the rankings, I saw it before when WWE did it like 10 years ago and for me it takes some of the fun out of not knowing if someone new is going to turn up and go right for the titles.

Obviously you can play the system a bit like having Moxley beat someone much more impressive than Wardlow and suddenly he's at the top because you want that marquee match of Moxley and Tanahashi they've been teasing 2 years. And because they dont want Wardlow to go win the title already and if he loses his gimmick loses some steam ala Goldberg. But yeah I wouldnt be upset if they stopped using a ranking system, but in this particular case what happened does align with how they talked about the ranking system before. That quality of opponents is important too
He won against Garcia in a main event match while Wardlow had a 1 min squash match against JD Drake

Hangman is 3rd...

For the record I'm not that into the rankings, I saw it before when WWE did it like 10 years ago and for me it takes some of the fun out of not knowing if someone new is going to turn up and go right for the titles.

Obviously you can play the system a bit like having Moxley beat someone much more impressive than Wardlow and suddenly he's at the top because you want that marquee match of Moxley and Tanahashi they've been teasing 2 years. And because they dont want Wardlow to go win the title already and if he loses his gimmick loses some steam ala Goldberg. But yeah I wouldnt be upset if they stopped using a ranking system, but in this particular case what happened does align with how they talked about the ranking system before. That quality of opponents is important too
I do think it would be a fantastic storyline tool though. Have someone on the rise use the rankings as a hitlist to hunt down the champion. Like UFC today where we have ranked fighters refusing to fight non or lower ranked fighters since it’s a no win scenario for them. Have the challenger goad / force every ranked wrestler as a storyline in itself.
A bit of fantasy booking there but I really think they aren’t utilising the system when they have it anyway
We know how they work, they are just pointless, irrelevant and shouldn't happen.

Just strip the Champion, have a tournament or a match to determine who wins it in his or her absence, then when the injured person returns, have them face whomever is the champion at the time, far simpler, then all of this two continents battle royal malarkey.

That's an awful lot of hyperbole in your first sentence. I think interim championships can work really well, like the TNT title when Sammy and Cody both held it (at least until Sammy kept wearing both belts afterwards, that was stupid).

I'm hopeful that the interim championship means that Punk won't be out for too long, if he is then it should be vacated, but for a short term absence it's fine in my book.
Bryan injured now.
mom really suspicious of all these sudden injuries happening just before forbidden door. It’s as if so many wrestlers who might have featured are being protected from jobbing.
Not watched the match yet, but Cody wrestling with a torn pec seems a bit mental. Was it really required?

Would stick money on him winning the rumble when he returns.
Bryan injured now.
mom really suspicious of all these sudden injuries happening just before forbidden door. It’s as if so many wrestlers who might have featured are being protected from jobbing.

Yes of course. Bryan Danielson who cited the opportunity to work with NJPW again as one of the reasons he joined AEW is now faking injury because he doesn't want to job to anyone from there. :rolleyes:
Yes of course. Bryan Danielson who cited the opportunity to work with NJPW again as one of the reasons he joined AEW is now faking injury because he doesn't want to job to anyone from there. :rolleyes:
Im not saying it’s the wrestlers choice? It’s just an incredible coincidence, that’s all!
Here’s another angle, Tony hasn’t allowed Bryan to wrestle outside of AEW at all so obviously Tony has the final say, is it that far fetched he would want to bench Bryan for this as well?
Im not saying it’s the wrestlers choice? It’s just an incredible coincidence, that’s all!
Here’s another angle, Tony hasn’t allowed Bryan to wrestle outside of AEW at all so obviously Tony has the final say, is it that far fetched he would want to bench Bryan for this as well?

I seriously doubt that Khan would risk upsetting Danielson by purposely benching him for this. Knowing how much he loves to wrestle and how he hasn't stopped talking about potential dream match ups for him it would be counter productive to do so. Technically this is an AEW card (in co-promotion with NJPW obviously) on American soil still anyway.

My only problem with the card is that it's obvious Mox will be leaving with the AEW world title and likewise they'll need to find someone to job to Okada for the IWGP World Title assuming that's defended in Chicago as well. I genuinely don't think Danielson would mind doing that but it looks Hangman will be the one taking the L on that card.

I hope they mix it up with a few surprises.
Couldn't care less about Forbidden Door.

It's like a pre-season tournament. Big teams are playing each other but nothing is at stake.

The "feuds" are heatless. Little to no in-person interaction.

I like some drama with wrestling not slapped together exhibition matches.
Im not saying it’s the wrestlers choice? It’s just an incredible coincidence, that’s all!
Here’s another angle, Tony hasn’t allowed Bryan to wrestle outside of AEW at all so obviously Tony has the final say, is it that far fetched he would want to bench Bryan for this as well?

Yes. Because once again NJPW is what he wanted to do most. Its only because AEW allows people to work with other companies that he went there straight away. For example Jericho and Omega have clauses in their contracts that allows them to do NJPW and did from the start. So without question Danielson will too.
Yes. Because once again NJPW is what he wanted to do most. Its only because AEW allows people to work with other companies that he went there straight away. For example Jericho and Omega have clauses in their contracts that allows them to do NJPW and did from the start. So without question Danielson will too.
WWE were willing to allow him to wrestle in new Japan. He certainly didn't go straight away it wasn't an easy decision.
Couldn't care less about Forbidden Door.

It's like a pre-season tournament. Big teams are playing each other but nothing is at stake.

The "feuds" are heatless. Little to no in-person interaction.

I like some drama with wrestling not slapped together exhibition matches.

Dream matches is the idea. Matches you may only ever see here. And for the quality of the matches and/or prestige of beating a top guy in Japan which is going to raise your profile in Japan. NJPWorld streams AEW now so theres a reason to want to do that beyond touring.

Of course you'd want the marquee ones really like Omega VS. Okada 4, Ibushi, Ospreay, Shingo,Tanahashi or Sabre Jr against someone great etc. And for now because of all the injuries thats more of an "if this succeeds with plenty of interest we'd obviously come back and do those later". I dont think we're getting too many of the matches that people would really dream-book just yet, other than Moxley Vs. Tanahashi which is a match Moxley has wanted for 2-3 years.

Theres bound to be some good matches, but there's good matches in AEW normally so without the big matches it'll probably be more of the same
Am I the only one (unaware of the real contract situation) who thinks this is tailor made for MJF to win the title, and then refuse to accept the unification match whenever Punk returns?
Dunno, they could hotshot it, but MJF beating a New Japan guy for the title doesn’t seem right. The angle they seem to be shooting for with MJF is a reverse Summer of Punk where MJF wins the title (ironically beating a now more corporate Punk) whilst threatening to leave with it.
Young Bucks vs Lucha Bros on Rampage was better than their first two AEW matches and a definite contender for MOTY. Just incredible.
Great match Cody and Seth in the circumstances. Hope Cody hasnt set back his return and when he returns he's back to challenge the champs
Incredible main event...

I thought Cody to WWE would go well, but I didn't think it would go this well... he feels like an absolute megastar.
Incredible main event...

I thought Cody to WWE would go well, but I didn't think it would go this well... he feels like an absolute megastar.

Yeah I've always thought Cody could reach this level.

His stuff with Nick Aldis around the first All In event showed he could be the face of a company. I think it was a mistake not having him win the AEW title tbh.
That didn’t last long.

Speed running the angle.

I guess the clue was in the name though, Day. Because thats about how long it lasted

Not sure I get how Edge is going to be babyface now because the bad guy's other bad guys attacked him.
I think the Judgment Day will be done and dusted by the end of the year now. Shame, as it had potential. I don’t see how it can have a bright future when you replace Edge with the charisma vacuum that is Balor.

Even if edge is due time off, set it up better, have him be attacked and written out, by another team..then have a new leader (balor if it must be him) lead into a feud to get revenge.. they can win that and then Balor can start to get arrogant and hint that they don’t need edge and set up a return for him down the line and either return to lead or turn face.
Hmm. Not the most surprising. Reckon Edge was probably due some time off again.

Not sure about those 3 as a trio though.
Haven’t watched but word is Edge needed as a Cody replacement in the card.
Sink or swim time for Finn now
Took two weeks off and whole load of shit to catch up on.
Started with HIAC and I enjoyed it. The main event was great and had no clue about Codys injury but damn, what a great main event. Cody really is a star. Rollins is great too.

Less is more for Cody. in AEW they had brandy, Arn and a whole load of shit with Cody. Now in WWE, its just him, and he probably is the biggest babyface in the company. And comes off as a star.
Took two weeks off and whole load of shit to catch up on.
Started with HIAC and I enjoyed it. The main event was great and had no clue about Codys injury but damn, what a great main event. Cody really is a star. Rollins is great too.

Less is more for Cody. in AEW they had brandy, Arn and a whole load of shit with Cody. Now in WWE, its just him, and he probably is the biggest babyface in the company. And comes off as a star.

Thats because WWE pushes him in that way, and he acts like a star in his suit so he can pull it off.

It is funny though, when AEW started one of the things people wanted is loads of pyro because WWE had cut back and only used them on rare occasions for a few top stars.

Cody's whole entrance/gimmick is just "give me as much pyro and fireworks stuff as possible". And now his WWE gimmick is "What an entrance!" using all that.
That certainly suits WWE @Ekeke
For aew it just seemed to be OTT
Wwe are basically OTT as it is, so it for sure works

The way he's been used by WWE is fantasic and more so smart. It will certainly make aew talent turn their heads and think they could get a better deal and chance with Wwe if they do well away from it
That certainly suits WWE @Ekeke
For aew it just seemed to be OTT
Wwe are basically OTT as it is, so it for sure works

The way he's been used by WWE is fantasic and more so smart. It will certainly make aew talent turn their heads and think they could get a better deal and chance with Wwe if they do well away from it

I wasnt a fan of the Cody entourage either tbh. And the commentary saying Arn has a wafflehouse menu with the piece of card or white sheet he had to cover his lips while he told him stuff. I think I liked having Arn but not the sheet thing and it didnt really seem like it made any difference to how Cody wrestled, other than he used to do 3 pushups for no reason which is pretty heelish in the middle of the match and Arn would tell him off. Thats about it.

And yes, the truth is Cody is good in the ring. Just not as good as the very best around. But you dont have to be to be a top star in WWE. And even if you are one of the best match workers in the world it doesnt mean you get a push like Cody in WWE. It also helps that he's only been with Rollins and Rollins is one of the best all rounders in the company and better in the ring. The Cody match with Miz was not even close.
Not really watched WWE in years but I’m going to Clash at the Castle in Cardiff in September.

Must try and get back into it so I can get into the storylines. Is there a highlights show on Skysports/online as opposed to watching through Raw/Smackdown - assuming they’re still the main shows, embarrassingly I don’t even know that much at the minute!
Not really watched WWE in years but I’m going to Clash at the Castle in Cardiff in September.

Must try and get back into it so I can get into the storylines. Is there a highlights show on Skysports/online as opposed to watching through Raw/Smackdown - assuming they’re still the main shows, embarrassingly I don’t even know that much at the minute!
YouTube is your friend. I expect Drew v Roman will be the main event.
Not really watched WWE in years but I’m going to Clash at the Castle in Cardiff in September.

Must try and get back into it so I can get into the storylines. Is there a highlights show on Skysports/online as opposed to watching through Raw/Smackdown - assuming they’re still the main shows, embarrassingly I don’t even know that much at the minute!
WWE YouTube channel. Or BT sport and speed run it watching the clips that interest you
Not really watched WWE in years but I’m going to Clash at the Castle in Cardiff in September.

Must try and get back into it so I can get into the storylines. Is there a highlights show on Skysports/online as opposed to watching through Raw/Smackdown - assuming they’re still the main shows, embarrassingly I don’t even know that much at the minute!

Yeah they're on BT Sports.
How long are CM Punk and Cody Rhodes out of action for?

Not known of many incidents where wrestlers have come out and made a real life announcement unless it’s been a retirement or when Reigns cancer returned

So are they both potentially not returning?
How long are CM Punk and Cody Rhodes out of action for?

Not known of many incidents where wrestlers have come out and made a real life announcement unless it’s been a retirement or when Reigns cancer returned

So are they both potentially not returning?

It happens quite a lot with champions right?Cody is more bizarre but I guess his popularity if through the roof at the moment.
Regarding Cody's injury, because it was a full tear, he was allowed to wrestle, because no more damage could have been done.

If it had been a partial tear, no way he would have wrestled.

So ultimately it wouldn't affect his recovery time by wrestling.