Television The Propgropthrop

Gonna have to stay off the net till I've watched the rumble after work tomorrow, rumble and wrestlemania are the only shows I watch, I tend to read raw results then watch clips on youtube if anything good happens

Skybet says its 2am

Has anyone put any bets on? I have a fiver on dolph ziggler

Really? He's in 1 or 2, and already has the briefcase so unlikely to get another title shot.
Closer it gets the more mark-ish I'm getting for The Rock.
:lol: MVP and John Morrison, not currently employed by WWE, are 50/1 to win the Rumble.

Brad Maddox is 10/1 :wenger:
Actually, I'm going to do some predictions up in here. Bold is who I think will win, underlined is who I want to win.

Antonio Cesaro vs. The Miz - think Miz will win it sooner rather than later, but will be on a main PPV card.

Team Hell No (Kane & Daniel Bryan) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow) - no underlining, because I'm happy either way. I reckon The Shield will get involved in this one, to set up a Wrestlemania tag match between Hell No (& somebody else) vs. them.

2013 Royal Rumble match - John Cena/Dunno, Barrett? - would rather a "new" person won it, as in somebody that hasn't before, and isn't a main eventer. Having said that, really the only two people that could are Ziggler (who won't because he's already MITB holder), and Barrett (who won't because he's IC champion).

Alberto Del Rio vs. Big Show - not a huge fan of Alberto, but I've underlined him because it'd be pointless to take the title off him so soon. He'll win this as a match to establish him as champion, and to get rid of Big Show. I reckon Show might do something with Booker T at Wrestlemania, but I also think that Alberto will lose the title before then (Elimination Chamber).

CM Punk vs. The Rock - hmph. The Rock winning the title, and Cena winning the Rumble is the worst case scenario for me (well, Hornswoggle winning the Rumble is, but that's hardly realistic). Sadly it's looking most likely.
Nobody think Ziggler will cash in? A Last Man Standing match is tailor-made for a cash in!
feck good shout. I do fear they're not going to let him cash successfully though.
Kane and DBry to hug it out mid rumble?
- Matt Striker tweeted the following cryptic comment on Sunday evening, with less than two hours to go until the Royal Rumble:

"I just saw 2 surprise entrants in tonight's Royal Rumble arrive at the bldng. One had a present for me Remember the Rumble is open to ANYONE"

"I love how the Internet THINKS it knows whose in the bldng ? Lets just say the " present" will be put to great use tonite."

Royal Rumble winner - Cena
Most eliminations - Ryeback
Longest participant - Ziggler
Shortest - Jinder Mahal

I think Punk will keep the title with help from Maddox. The Rock to win it at Elimination Chamber and Cena to win it at Wrestlemania.

Rhodes Scholars and ADR to win also.
What is the running order of matches? I want to watch the actual Rumble match, and want to know what time it will roughly start and finish
What is the running order of matches? I want to watch the actual Rumble match, and want to know what time it will roughly start and finish

We don't know, sorry. There's obviously a runsheet somewhere, but unless you're backstage you're not going to see it.