Television The Propgropthrop

I struggle to think of another wrestler that can play such a natural baby face and natural heel so effortlessly. You're normally much better at one than the other (discluding tweeners like Austin), but Bryan plays both exceptionally.

Yeah, I just love the smirk he gives to the crowd when they start booing him.

This made me chuckle as well....

Who picked the font on that poster? :lol:
Yeah didn't like the MJF Punk stuff either.

Danielson is showing how to be a great heal with so much less effort. Love his shtick right now.

That last match was all over the place. Pure comedy from Arn at the start, another chuckle with Cody and the sledgehammer and then a totally unnecessary and dangerous finish also that was kind of fecked up. I mean Cody visibly had grease on his back for the most of the bout that gradually rubbed off. Was kind of funny hearing the commentators trying to explain it away. At least Andrade covered it with his shirt.

When they went over the table and Andrade had those flames on him :lol: Made absolutely zero sense that he had got the worst of it either.

I feel like someone just needs to reign Cody in a bit - feels like he often take bit too far so his matches can be "big"

If you remove the table spot (and so the back grease) I think the match would have been better for it - don't even think the feud warranted such a big spot, he has a bigger feud going with Black.

And yeah, Bryan is amazing... best in the world for my money.
Didn't think the MJF stuff was that bad personally, it's certainly his character to make such childish jabs. I'm enjoying the rivalry slowly ramping up between him and Punk.

Gotta say I was really impressed with the Statlander - Soho match. I haven't watched much of the former (I only have time to follow the main shows), but she's got some serious athleticism.

The Cody - Andrade finish was mental.

Daniel Bryan (I know but that's how I've always known him) is just so good, what an incredible get he was for AEW.
Warms my cotton socks to see all the love Bryan's getting. Probably my 2nd favourite of all time behind Stone Cold.
Imagine having to bring up a rival company to get a cheap pop.
That's wrestling for you. WWF used to do it a lot, too.

The chuckle brothers (Patterson and Briscoe) coming out to Hogan's music
Rock's infamous Juventud promo
Jeff is off the wagon again it seems.
I dunno, he seemingly wrestled the match with no issue up until the hot tag, then disappears through the audience. Feel like more likely he's got a concussion or something, which is what you'd think if it were any other wrestler.

I'll give benefit of the doubt for the time being.
Looks like Jeff Hardy has left WWE.

Appears that he left the match the other day mid way through it and was replaced for other events.

Rumours are, he refused rehab and was released.
Looks like Jeff Hardy has left WWE.

Appears that he left the match the other day mid way through it and was replaced for other events.

Rumours are, he refused rehab and was released.
He's 100 % gone. Off to AEW.
He's 100 % gone. Off to AEW.

Not so sure TBH.

Jeff (and Matt) are both pretty much banged up and Jeff is far worse than Matt and he just is not reliable, injury or mentally wise these days.

I hope for his own health he will retire, i'm sure he doesn't need money.
Not so sure TBH.

Jeff (and Matt) are both pretty much banged up and Jeff is far worse than Matt and he just is not reliable, injury or mentally wise these days.

I hope for his own health he will retire, i'm sure he doesn't need money.
Think there is more to this - it seems to me he's looked for and found a way out, he's been banging on for weeks about wanting to do that stupid Willow thing and he's been cut down.

Wouldn't surprise me if that's what shows up on AEW later on with his brother.
Think there is more to this - it seems to me he's looked for and found a way out, he's been banging on for weeks about wanting to do that stupid Willow thing and he's been cut down.

Wouldn't surprise me if that's what shows up on AEW later on with his brother.

Jeff needs to just retire.

I see AEW teased another new guy this week.............. I wonder who it will be :rolleyes:
Jeff needs to just retire.

I see AEW teased another new guy this week.............. I wonder who it will be :rolleyes:
Not seen that but I would have a good guess.

I agree with what you say and also Matt needs to as well they both are too beaten up now to move properly.
Not seen that but I would have a good guess.

I agree with what you say and also Matt needs to as well they both are too beaten up now to move properly.

Yeah it's really scary for those two.

Matt has had some close calls in AEW, can't imagine how badly Jeff could get hurt.

Only thing maybe you could say is, have them as a tag team perhaps to share the load, but having seen them in their prime and even now, that still isn't a good move, as they both take crazy risks
Zero sympathy for Jeff. He’s been offered help and rehab numerous times in his career now.
Sad to hear about Jeff. As a youngster definitely one of my favourites, but since learning about his addiction issues I've always felt guilty rewatching or seeing him do new huge bumps as he's known for. Just hope he gets any help needed and gets on the right track

As for Gargano and O'Reilly's NXT contracts running out... And most likely at least appearing on AEW if not outright signing with them, I ask

Did all the NXT fans in this thread start enjoying AEW now that all the main NXT guys have been phased out and half are in AEW now? Or did you stop caring about Cole, Fish, O'Reilly, Gargano etc the moment they left WWE?
Fish and O'Reilly are nothing. Two bland as they come wrasslers. O'Reilly especially annoys me for some reason.

And Gargano is nothing that AEW doesn't already have. A tiny, great wrestler. Although his character in the last year with The Way was great. He was funny with that gimmick.

Cole was the big get and so far they're having him be The Young Bucks cheerleader and Britt Baker's boyfriend.
Fish and O'Reilly are nothing. Two bland as they come wrasslers. O'Reilly especially annoys me for some reason.

And Gargano is nothing that AEW doesn't already have. A tiny, great wrestler. Although his character in the last year with The Way was great. He was funny with that gimmick.

Cole was the big get and so far they're having him be The Young Bucks cheerleader and Britt Baker's boyfriend.

So you werent into the Gargano and Ciampa stuff everyone was raving about at the time? I was into the first one personally even though Ciampa's injury delayed it like a year and didnt like it when Gargano was heel. But it was one of the more talked about things in wrestling at the time.

O'Reilly's a very good technical wrestler, but I didnt get the "Cool Kyle" thing where they dressed him up as Orange Cassidy during Cole's final days. Obviously if AEW can get a version ofThe Undisputed Era Vs. The Elite, thats the biggest deal from NXT a year ago vs the biggest deal in AEW. There arent too many "fantasy booking" faction battles from the last few years other than that one from NXT and LIJ or Bullet Club from New Japan which still seems some way off with Covid.

If Jeff gets in a better place... I still cant say I'm excited for the Hardyz. Last time I was, the return night for WWE after a good match with the Bucks the night before. Now obviously having The Hardy Boyz putting over some of the young AEW tag teams and helping them with their matches has got to be great. But I dont know if I'll be that into their matches, we'll have to see if and when it happens.

What was it you liked so much about NXT a year ago then?
I know it's a bit of an internet meme but that was a genuinely impressive debut from Taz's boy Hook. He's seemingly got the "it" factor as well. Could be big things in his future.
Hannibal shooting, brother

The girl had more balls than everyone at ringside combined. What a star she was here.
While we're all here - don't forget to vote for the RedCafe awards! The voting threads are here:

Part 1
Part 2

The voting template is at the start of each thread - but you don't need to vote in every category. If you don't want to spend much time on this, just vote for the ones you can think of right away and leave it at that. We'd basically just to love to get more votes and get results that are a bit more representative of the entire forum.

I hope he’s been smart and added a clause that means if they release him on a whim that they actually have to pay up all of his contract.
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Danielson once again showing why he's the best around at the moment.

I don't really know why time limit draws are so glorified in wrestling, but a double count out is seen as a shitty finish... they're both shitty finishes in my book, and doing one after a full hour is a bit ridiculous. Don't really get why they didn't do 20/30 minutes... I mean we got a full hour here, where do they go after this? 2 hours?!

At least they ramped up to this draw at the end at least, so it had that over the Omega/Bryan one - but then the draw was fairly obvious as soon as they went over 30/40 minutes.
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It was a solid enough match, I enjoyed it, but I do wonder what was the need?
It was a solid enough match, I enjoyed it, but I do wonder what was the need?

For an entertaining historic match between AEW's new champ and possibly the best wrestler in the world?

Probably the same reason for time limit draws in Omega Vs. Okada

To tell a top level story of multiple matches