Apart from Luthor and Doomsday..what other great Superman villain should they bring to the big screen?
Brainiac is always a popular villain but not sure if it would transfer onto the big screen too well, depending on which version of Brainiac they decide to go with.
I think a movie with Doomsday, Brainiac working with Lexcorp and a death of Superman story could work quite well.
But you would have to have the comic book Lex not the hammed up joking Lex we've had in the movies.
I think the Lex that was portrayed in Smallville was probably closer to the Lex in the comics than the movie versions.
Superman The Movie was a great achievement back in the day and is one of my favourite movies of all time.
But Christopher Reeve made the movie, I don't think anyone else could have pulled off the bumbling Clark and the contrast in character as Superman.
Also if you thought the turning back time to save Lois was a bit wrong well you're right, that scene was produced for the end of the 2nd movie as they were shooting both movies together to save costs.
Lois wasn't meant to die in the original version but because they were running out of time and money they decided to close the movie with Lois dying and Superman going back in time to save her.
The 2nd movie was shot by 2 directors, the director of the 1st movie shot the 1st half of the movie and then got sacked and the 2nd director changed the 2nd half of the movie to his version.
They have released the Donner cut of the 2nd movie using previously unseen footage and footage used in the scene tests.
It's a different storyline in this movie and although not perfect is a bit better than the original Superman 2.
Anyone interested, you can watch it on youtube.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.