'The Number 23'

It's so shit, that I know it's shit without having even seen it.
Jim Carrey on David Letterman promoting that movie is just funny as hell.
i saw it the other day, i thought it was good. Had abit of a sin city feel to it with a twist like the butterfly effect
I was born on the 10th, 13 is an unlucky number to some, add 13 to 10, you get = 23!!!!!!!!!!

That's 90% of the film.
The Number 23 - Was a fraky, freaky film.

well worth a watch ;).

If you add together all the letters in your subject and body (including the spelling mistake) where A=1 and Z=26, then add the 23 from your subject, you get 527.


23 also equals 5 if you add 2+3

Wow - spooky shit. [MASSIVE SARCASM MODE: OFF]