The Man from Earth

Great movie, pity its not better known. I thought it was really interesting, raised a lot of talking points. I can understand how some people find it boring, but then that says more about them needing explosions and tits in a film to maintain any interest. Rocking movie. Gonna go watch it again, haven't seen in a couple of years.
pfft... he'd be exposed to some fatal accident sooner or later... plus the acting was a bit B. Decent film, interesting premise, but in the end I finished it because I was already half-way ;P
Is this the one where it turns out
he's Jesus?
If it is, I would like to know if it is still worth watching despite already knowing the ending.

That's the one... Forgot about that :lol:

Saw it a couple of years ago.
Extremely thought provoking movie, i remember feeling fairly immersed when i first watched it despite the entire movie taking place in one scene i believe.