The Last Airbender


Sexy Beast
Aug 20, 2001
SoCal, USA
the kids went to see this yesterday while me and the wife watched Inception. they thought it was great.
they were saying how yer man was an airbender and a water bender too so I asked why they didn't just call it "the last bender". the wife tut-tutted at that suggestion.
Yeah I started laughing out load when I saw its approval rating was in the single digits
the kids went to see this yesterday while me and the wife watched Inception. they thought it was great.
they were saying how yer man was an airbender and a water bender too so I asked why they didn't just call it "the last bender". the wife tut-tutted at that suggestion.

Yep, they're clearly mentally subnormal on some level..have you had them checked?...It's apparently the worst movie ever made that doesn't feature Tommy Wiseau

The Last Airbender Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

8%, from 126 reviews is certainly an achievement. And that's probably just your kids

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li Movie Reviews, Pictures - Rotten Tomatoes

I'll raise you Street Fighter: the Legend of Chun'li

4% from 55 reviews. I've seen neither, but my friends(who are experts in awful movies) say that it's worse than the Last Airbender.