The King's Speech


Full Member
Nov 30, 2007
Hope to go see this at some point this week, has anyone caught it yet? As someone with a stammer I'm quite interested in it. The last film I saw on the topic was a fairly small film called rocket science back in the day.
Why was there never an oscar tipped film about the king's accounts when I was at uni?
Thought it was fantastic. The academy loves films about people with disabilities, so I'd expect a 'best actor' for Firth. Not that he doesn't deserve it - I work closely with somebody with a stammer and I thought he pulled it off brilliantly and also forming a character that wasn't all about the disability. Perhaps a little predictable with it's 'heartwarming' but I thought more inspirational than cheesy, which some might. And some of the scenes between Firth and Geoffrey Rush (also great) were among the best I've seen in the past year.
Seen this on Thursday. As a stammerer, I found it very interesting and could identify with Firth's character. Always find it difficult to watch someone stammer, but was an in interesting watch for someone with a vested interest. As an ordinary movie-goer though, I'm not really sure why there's the oscar fuss? As a story it's nothing spectacular imo.
thought this was a brilliant film with great actors. 8/10
Thought it was pretty damn good actually.

Firth & Rush were both superb but more surprisingly Helena Bonham Carter didn't annoy the shit out of me like she usually does.
Saw this yesterday & really enjoyed it, thought Firth's performance was fantastic.
Best movie I've seen in a while, definately Oscar-worthy.
Honesty? I liked it as a stammerer didn't really appeal to me as a movie goer
Is the film in standard English? I'm gonna see it on Saturday, but I'm still not sure whether I should se him in the dubbed version or in the original version. My problem is I'm perfectly fine watching and understanding American series but I have an issue with some British accent - e.g. I don't understand a single word of Scottish.
Dubbed is rubbish. I assume you'll have subtitles anyway (and there's no Jock but a bit of strine and lots of RP).
I thought it was quite good, but inevitably it turned out that it was pretty poor at displaying, you know, what actually happened. For one thing, Churchill actually supported his brother for the throne, not him. Etc.
just saw this on DVD on Sat night. wasn't expecting much so pleasantly surprised by it. well worth a look for those that haven't seen it yet.
Finally got round to watching this last night.

I really enjoyed it actually, it was far better than I expected, and thought the interaction between Firth and Rush was first class.

I didn't expect much, and whilst i'd be in no rush to see it again, it contains some fantastic acting, and Firth in particular is deserving of the plaudits he received for his performance.

On a side not, I would hate to have a stammer, the frustration people must feel in not being able to communicate as quick as they think must be awful.
