The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret


The One and Only
Nov 28, 2006
Anyone been watching this? It's the new comedy with Will Arnett, David Cross, Sharon Horgan and Neil from the Inbetweeners. Seems very like Episodes, the comedy with Stephen Mangan, and Matt LeBlanc, in that it's another joint production between Americans and the English, with the whole foreigner abroad angle being played heavily. A few funny moments so far, though it will need to get better.
Did it get a second series? I watched the first one when it first aired, at first I thought it was a bit boring but OK and got good towards the end, enough for me to want to see a second series at least.
You're soooo behind the times man.

Todd Margaret - 4oD - Channel 4

I thought it was alright. Got better when Will Arnett showed up. I like David Cross too so I was already fairly well pre-disposed towards it. I think it did get a 2nd series. I liked it more than Episodes.
You're soooo behind the times man.

Todd Margaret - 4oD - Channel 4

I thought it was alright. Got better when Will Arnett showed up. I like David Cross too so I was already fairly well pre-disposed towards it. I think it did get a 2nd series. I liked it more than Episodes.

Really? I thought Episodes was really good, kind of a Curb-lite. Matt LeBlanc specifically was quite good.
LeBlanc was good I agree, but I didn't really like it.

Sarcastic/satiristic British (or any other) comedy should never have cheesy underscoring or lavish shots of scenery. In fact nothing should ever have cheesy underscoring. I'm skeptical comedy should have any music at all. It's also glossily shot and their made up way too much...Another two things that jar with British stuff....And to be fair the first ep was just quite boring in general. Comedies shouldn't have long sequences where people stare at furnishings...underscored. In fact nothing should ever have long sequences where people stare at furnishings, apart form maybe programmes about furnishings.

I've also never understood this about programmes that are about TV. Why when you actually see the TV is it always so shit? It's like they consciously make it slightly shitter in case people worry they'd rather be watching the show the shows about rather than the show about the show. And in-jokes about Ben Miller being pissed off should either rip the piss out of Ben Miller, or have him as a nasty characature of himself a la extras...Him just walking up and going "I'm happy for you" then making a face is just pointless, and only there to showcase you've got Ben Miller to do it, which when you've got Matt Le Blanc to do it, doesn't really need to be done.

So says man off internet.

Thus says man off internet...I'm being over picky though. I liked some of it. I actually think the script was very good, it just wasn't made very well. Hugely ironically, probably because it was made in America and the two styles clashed.
The second season became progressively worse. It wasn't even remotely funny by the end and the ending was utter rubbish.
Watched this a long time ago. Was disappointed because I love Cross and Arnett. You knew how every episode would pan out. It was cringeworthy how he lied.