Sarcastic/satiristic British (or any other) comedy should never have cheesy underscoring or lavish shots of scenery. In fact nothing should ever have cheesy underscoring. I'm skeptical comedy should have any music at all. It's also glossily shot and their made up way too much...Another two things that jar with British stuff....And to be fair the first ep was just quite boring in general. Comedies shouldn't have long sequences where people stare at furnishings...underscored. In fact nothing should ever have long sequences where people stare at furnishings, apart form maybe programmes about furnishings.
I've also never understood this about programmes that are about TV. Why when you actually see the TV is it always so shit? It's like they consciously make it slightly shitter in case people worry they'd rather be watching the show the shows about rather than the show about the show. And in-jokes about Ben Miller being pissed off should either rip the piss out of Ben Miller, or have him as a nasty characature of himself a la extras...Him just walking up and going "I'm happy for you" then making a face is just pointless, and only there to showcase you've got Ben Miller to do it, which when you've got Matt Le Blanc to do it, doesn't really need to be done.
So says man off internet.